there's a quote over on metaquotes today that made me remember you fondly:
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"Someone in the office tried to say, "Well, maybe Isaiah's not gay,he was staring at your boobs the other day." ok honey dear, EVERYONE loves my boobs. Little old ladies stare at my boobs. Gay men molest my boobs all night at clubs. I think breasts are that one thing that everyone can agree on. World peace could probably happen if every woman on Earth collectively showed their tits. I know people who say, "I'm more of an ass wo/man", yet they look with wide open eyes when I suggest showing my boobs. The fact remains that you're not going to turn titties down. Even if a girl said, "I have the ugliest titties in the world", you'd still be like, "I think I'm going to have to see for myself". Even if you want to do nothing with them, there's nothing like seeing a titty. and that's my take on that."