Title: Personal Fandom: Prison Break Characters: Agent Paul Kellerman Rating: PG Spoilers: S2 Word count: 241 words Summary: War is never personal, but home is.
Author's Note: My first PB fanfiction. For
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*hug you back* You are very much welcome, again. *g* I found a new way (a software involving proxy) to get on this site more expediently, so I post the first entry after registered one year ago. Of course, the most important is that I do have something to post, and it's all because of you. lol Thank you for dropping by. It's so late for submit this to pbhiatus_fic community that I don't know whether it accepts. But I will have a try.
Comments 5
And its FIC! *strikes up the band*
You know how much I love this one, right? Thank you, again. *hugs you*
You are very much welcome, again. *g*
I found a new way (a software involving proxy) to get on this site more expediently, so I post the first entry after registered one year ago. Of course, the most important is that I do have something to post, and it's all because of you. lol
Thank you for dropping by. It's so late for submit this to pbhiatus_fic community that I don't know whether it accepts. But I will have a try.
And thank goodness you're smart--now we have another way to get in touch. *high fives you*
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