A patch release has just been put out. It fixes a few of the major problems with expanding threads and other AJAX-y style problems with the new commenting form. We also wanted to let you know about the tickets that have already been filed regarding the commenting form (so you can see if problems you're seeing have already been reported or not) and
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Right now only paid accounts can have customized comment pages. Will the old S1 style comment pages be available for all accounts or just paid?
Then, for the new thing they're going to do to mimic the old S1 style, I've just made a note to ask about that in regards to account levels as well. I would assume it would be for everyone, but it's also the kind of thing that gets overlooked, so I want to be sure. Thank you!
The new style is not an option for me because it triggers my migraines, so now I am stuck with content that I have paid for but can't even get to.
EDIT: here is an example of what I mean. There are at least five threads with other people beneath the one with hotheadedidiot that don't even show up in customized comments.
.comment-wrap { margin-bottom:.5em; min-width:35%; }
.entry-comments-text {overflow:visible;}
(andrusi is the one who informed me of this!)
It's so simple, it almost feels like the current behavior was done on purpose by LJ. Either that, or they're ridiculously incompetent.
Welcome to the ridiculously incompetent list. Derp.
(And if you did mean the overflow stuff, people were having problems before I added that, so...)
var int indent = ($c.depth - 1) * 25;
...controls the rate of the indent. The default indent width is 25px per comment. A quick Google search brings up examples from Smoothsailing and FlexSqu comms. I'm going to steal the next line of code from Comment indenting: Stop horizontal scrolling.
var int indentstop = 13;
var int indent = $c.depth <= $indentstop ? ($c.depth - 1) * 20 : ($indentstop - 1) * 20;
Indentstop is set to 13; that tells LJ to stop indenting after 13 comments. The next line tells LJ to keep indenting until it's greater than or equal to indentstop (13). The rest tells it to indent at a rate of 20px, which is what sarken has changed it to instead of the default 25px ( ... )
Don't think I've ever "screamed" about how horrible LJ is, though. I've been a bit snarky, which I think is justified since I've been here for ten years now and sunk more than a thousand dollars into the site over that period of time, but there's been no screaming from me.
But, again, thank you for the advice.
( ... )
What's going on here is, after a certain point, the S2 system, at least on the layouts I've tried this with, simply stops generating html and cuts off the page prematurely. Load the link they provided, view the source, and scroll to the very end... and then please note that while the div is closed after the comment, divs for the main page content itself are not closed; the browser automatically figures in the missing /div tags. There should be 453 comments on that post, as reported by the footer of the entry, but I see far, far fewer, no matter where I try to scroll to find them. Hitting control-F and entering "(local)" reports only 126 instances (read: comments) found on the page ( ... )
Sadly, at this point I feel like either of those options is equally possible...
EDIT: ... except it doesn't seem to fix the issue of all the other threads simply not being there...
Thanks so much and to andrusi too! I'm going to put this on all my S2 pages (I quite like the S2 style, but the long thread breaking thing is quite annoying).
My only other concern with how it will be implement is below...
I'd like to be able to tell LJ, in my account settings or the journal style page or what have you, to use the fake S1 style only if the journal is using the default LJ comment page. I do not want the fake S1 style to override my paid style on my journal's comment page or another user's paid style on their comment page.
My logic behind this is that I personally have a paid account but lots of the people and communities I follow don't. The old comment page was very friendly for reading fics to the point that I only used style=mine when the person was using a high contrast layout or at night when I need a low contrast layout (my fault for not buying a monitor that I can adjust the backlight on, I know).
Basically, I prefer reading comment pages in LJ's default style, but I don't want the customized fake S1 overriding my paid S2 style.
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