I am beating my head against the wall trying to find an appropriate WP theme for my personal site. The only reason I am not turning back to TP at this point is that I found it very difficult to deal with, and I couldn't even begin to figure it out
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Comments 8
CMS tagged themes on WordPress Themes
Fold page list -- might help for the dynamic menu you wanted
Wordpress hacks for CMSing
How to get a rotating header image
Both of those guides are outdated, unfortunately- WP now has a static front page option built in. The problem is that all of the themes out there essentially look like blogs. Pixelate comes closest to what I want, but after wrestling with it for a while I was overcome with annoyance and gave it up. It's just too unwieldy.
Thanks for the fold page list, that looks cool. :)
I would love to see the future of WP design become something like Canvas was: something essentially modular that you could arrange how you want.
I'm open to any tips you have to offer :)
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