LiveJournal, Inc. Advisory Board Members
danah boyd danah boyd is a well-known blogger and researcher of online social media and networking - and is also a
LiveJournal user! In addition to her academic and professional work, danah has personal knowledge of fandom and subcultures on LiveJournal. She will be a great advocate for users and a fantastic source of information and advice.
Esther Dyson With enormous experience, knowledge and enthusiasm, Esther Dyson will be able to provide a perspective as a business owner, author, investor, board member, and philanthropist. She speaks Russian fluently and has been an investor or board member for several companies in Eastern Europe (and has been spending time in India, eastern Asia, and Africa lately, too).
Lawrence Lessig Lessig brings to the table knowledge and guidance regarding freedom of speech, copyright, and open source software. He's a professor at Stanford Law School, focusing on law and technology - but also an author, columnist, blogger, and corruption-fighter.
Brad Fitzpatrick As previously announced, Brad Fitzpatrick has agreed to serve on the LiveJournal Advisory Board. Brad invented LiveJournal.
In the coming months, we'll add two users to the Advisory Board and at least one more appointed member. Details on the upcoming user election will be posted soon.
The LiveJournal, Inc. Advisory Board Mandate
The LiveJournal Advisory Board is an international group of informed and trusted leaders from the online community who will advise the management and Board of Directors of LiveJournal, Inc. in the operation and development of the LiveJournal platform.
More specifically, the Advisory Board will also:
Meet, discuss, and post their position on the issues that are important to the community. The board will likely discuss a broad range of topics: freedom of speech, privacy, legality, policy, and security, to name only a few;
Provide guidance to LiveJournal, Inc. management and the Board of Directors on new issues and controversies as they arise;
Speak to and for the users, offering them a voice not only in LiveJournal, Inc., but also on LiveJournal's role in the world;
Oversee ongoing charitable work which the LiveJournal, Inc. Board of Directors supports.