In last week’s announcements we aimed to bring you up to speed on the progress we had made in the first 100 days, and describe how the user elections to our Advisory Board will be managed. Much has happened since the last update we made to the LiveJournal community last Friday
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Comments 853
The boycott should still stay on!
I highly doubt it. The number of people who participate(d) in these things are a mere drop in the ol' bucket compared to the entirety of active LJ users.
To me, striking or boycotting is only half-stepping. Anyone taking part in such activity might think it brave and righteous to rally against an "evil corporate dictator" or whatever, yet they just can't let go of the security of having their LJ.
If you were all truly serious about making some kind of impact, organize a mass walkout, where everyone involved would delete their LJ accounts at a specified time. That might - MIGHT - get their attention. Somehow, though, I just don't see anyone out there that firm on their position.
Either go all the way or don't go at all...
Needless to say, there hasn't been a statement.
And given how difficult it is to "accidentally" create a filter censoring certain interests, many people suspect that LJ thinks the "mistake" was "getting caught."
Though it's nice to know just what the muckety mucks think of us.
I don't think this is a matter of inside voice/outside voice. That users are being thought of in these terms at all indicates that there not only is a radical disconnect between the people with power and their users, there is no recognition of that disconnect and therefore there will be no effort to bridge that forthcoming any time soon.
I retain my LJ account solely for the purpose of reading friends who keep things under f-lock, otherwise I would comment using OpenID and wash my hands of being an LJ user at all. And it's people like me who are left between a rock and a hard place, because that which provides such efficient and easy means of semi-private communication between friends is also a shackle to an increasingly unethical corporation run by people I wouldn't dream of having any association with otherwise.
Thank you.
At this point we are working on a solution to enable existing LiveJournal users to create new Basic accounts as so many of you have requested. Nothing has been decided yet, but we are considering options which would allow existing users to continue to create new Basic accounts.
That would be pretty damn awesome. I still think potential new users of LJ would really appreciate Basic accounts and be more likely to stick around and become Paid users, but it would definitely be nice for existing users to still be able to create ad-free accounts. Thanks for at least considering the option.
Revenue sharing - Should users be rewarded for their content and contributions?
Yes! I like money!
Now, please keep Anton Nossik on a short leash. I understand he only works for you as a Social Media person, but the fact is, he works for SUP and therefore when he speaks to the public, he is speaking on behalf of SUP. He needs to keep his feelings about us peons in check and to himself. It is no way to treat the people, even the loud obnoxious ones, who pay good money for this service.
and I want to edit to add, I appreciate the effort here and hope that you guys will utilize the amazing resources that you guys have in your volunteer Support Teams. I really love LiveJournal and I want it to be the very best it can be. I think you guys want that too, so I hope that we all can work together to make that possible.
OK, am I reading this right? The guy who referred to irate LJers as "blackmailers" in a Russian news interview, is part of SUP's public relations team?
I really thought you guys had learned the difference between banging your shoe on the table and diplomacy.
Nyeh Kulturny.
Not my job, sorry.
Here are some explanations about myself, my real name, my title, and what I actually said:
Indeed, I never used the word "blackmail", because the interview wasn't in English, to start with.
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