I've decided to stand for the LiveJournal Advisory Board.
Although LJ is very much a business, it’s also a wonderfully large and diverse community, (and one that I’m very proud to be a member of). Being part of LJ has enriched me in so many ways. I met my partner,
Becksydee, here and I’ve formed long lasting friendships with a large proportion of the people I know here. It’s my online home and I care passionately about it. It’s for this reason that I am seeking your vote.
So, why choose me?
Firstly some background on myself:
I’m a guy living in London, working as a designer and photo-journalist. I’d consider myself fairly intelligent, open minded and articulate, (I’m a self confessed Guardian and Observer reader). I’ve previously been a member of several trade unions and also of a housing co-operative. I’ve a very strong belief in equal opportunities and equality. I’m particularly interested in disabilities, (I’m dyslexic, dyspraxic and dyscalculic) and also in LGBT issues, (I’ve been a disabled access officer for PrideLondon for three years) although not to the point where I am blind to all other issues.
I've been an enthusiastic Internet user for around 19 years. I'm fairly geeky, (although not to the point of ridiculousness). I’m on Facebook, Flickr and LinkedIn. I'm pretty much addicted to the Internet, (I surf a minimum of two hours a day, every day) and I think I’ve got a good understanding of it’s advantages and also its limitations. The internet is not perfect, but I think it could be better, which is where this election comes in.
At the moment, LiveJournal is, like a lot of the web, in a state of rapid flux and this election means there will be a members representative on the advisory board who can give some perspective on the issues facing us, as a community and as users. The election hasn’t happened before so I think it’s very important that you cast your vote, and most importantly vote for someone who will really work hard for you.
If elected, I’m fully committed to being both accessible and representative of your views. I’ll listen sensibly to everything that is put in front of me and I will always vote for what is best for LJ members, based on the input I receive from the people I serve. You. I won’t muck around, regard the whole exercise as a joke or take things lightly. I’m very serious about doing this and I’m committed to conscientiously working on your behalf.
I’ll never be swayed by bribe or incentive or self interest and I’m not doing this because I think there might be perks. I’m doing it because I’d like to think that maybe, just maybe I can make a difference.
If you want someone who cares passionately about the internet, someone who will represent you and your views truthfully and honestly, with conviction and enthusiasm as well as intelligence and a degree of professionalism, please support my nomination and vote for me.
Thanks for reading this.
If you’d like to help me, please post a comment and the graphic this nomination entry, (I need 100 nominations to go forward, 52 so far...) and also please post it to your journal. I’ve included the code below as well as the graphic.
LiveJournal Advisory Board Elections
I support
cloudwalker_3 to be my representative on the Advisory Board.
Show your support at
http://p-userpic.livejournal.com/74327005/15133486" alt="" />
LiveJournal Advisory Board Elections
I support to be my representative on the Advisory Board.
Show your support at .