Those of you who are logging in and getting "too many redirects" or "cannot find server" errors on every journal or friends page you visit: we've discovered that this is likely because you have the wrong time set on your computer. If your time or time zone is set incorrectly, this can prevent our cookies from working properly.
So please, check your computer's time and time zone settings, as most people who have been experiencing this problem report that correcting their system's time fixes the problem. We're still discussing a potential change on our end to prevent this problem from happening, but this is at least something most of you can do right now so you can access your Friends pages again.
If you've adjusted your clock and it's still not working, try using a different browser. We'll be adding in the fix as soon as we can. If you're experiencing an unrelated problem, you're always welcome to contact
Support for help. (We're a little busy right now, but we will get to every request as quickly as humanly possible.)