Cuz the Face Ain't Listening

Oct 14, 2007 00:43

I hacked up vinnie_tesla's Talk To the Hand script to work on usernames rather than tags, so you can hide untagged community posts: Cuz the Face Ain't Listening -- Expressive. Currently only for the Expressive layout; I'll try to add other versions as I have time. No promises, but if you comment with layout requests including a journal with that layout where ( Read more... )

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Comments 17

roolet October 14 2007, 09:08:18 UTC
Interesting concept. You may want to note that vinnie's LJ is NSFW.


nolly October 14 2007, 15:40:56 UTC
Good to know -- I hadn't looked at it, only at the script on and the post here.


What you say? sinnick October 14 2007, 16:36:42 UTC

Sexual language?

*sprints towards the link*.


Re: What you say? matopa October 14 2007, 17:14:38 UTC
This made laugh. Haha. Thanks :D


shatterstripes October 14 2007, 14:57:27 UTC
Because I was wondering what on earth this script would do: Vinnie's original post is here. It hides posts based on their tags.


nolly October 14 2007, 15:39:56 UTC
Except this one hides based on usernames, so it works on untagged posts.
Perhaps I shouldn't try to post announcements after midnight. :)


papa_donna October 14 2007, 16:06:24 UTC
so ... if there is a particualr person that annoys the shit out of me in my communties, i never have to see their posts!! yay!

now if i could only avoid a few people in my other friends journals ...


nolly October 14 2007, 20:54:45 UTC
There's another script (not mine) for killing comments, which may be what you need.


papa_donna October 14 2007, 21:59:11 UTC
omg! that is it!! thank you so much!!


trixieleitz October 16 2007, 00:09:15 UTC
Ooo, thanks, that seems to do what I need. *goes on a spree*


catamorphism October 14 2007, 17:31:36 UTC
Can you compare and contrast with what the killfile technique described here does? I can see that it's a Greasemonkey script rather than an S2 hack, but in terms of functionality...?


kellzilla October 14 2007, 19:06:39 UTC
Well, it functions on Expressive. Which the killfile you linked to doesn't.


av8rmike October 14 2007, 20:06:55 UTC
The kill file technique's easy enough to adapt.


nolly October 14 2007, 20:53:11 UTC
Well, the first thing I see is that mine doesn't require a paid account. It also doesn't require editing any code.
On the other hand, that one works with pretty much any browser, on any system you're logged in from. Mine has to be installed on each computer you use.


vinnie_tesla October 15 2007, 15:59:49 UTC

Okay, now I totally need to go back and port both these puppies to more layouts.


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