Release #45

Feb 12, 2009 14:36

Manage Email Addresses:
  • After changing to a new email address for use with an account, verifying it, and using it on the account for six months, it becomes un-removable, but allows for all earlier email addresses to be removed on the Manage Email page.
New Settings Page:Vgift:Cyrillic home page:
  • Gazeta Informer added to home page for Cyrillic users
Bugs fixed:
  • When an account is deleted and purged, the telephone number and PIN for TXTLJ are now also expunged so they can be reused by a new account
  • Fixed display elements in Writers Block when viewed in Firefox 3.0.5 (arrows for 'change question', light bulb, display background)
  • Fixed incorrect display on the manage/tags.bml page when using the Lanzelot site scheme (Cyrillic-only)
  • Closed a PHP argument on the Edit Tags and Post an Entry pages which caused an error message to be shown when undertaking some actions
  • Fixed issue with print_reply_link in S2 to allow for proper behavior of hyphens in class names
  • An error message is now returned when a user attempts to send a private message to deleted and purged usernames
  • Fixed an issue in the new My Account Settings page which unintentionally cleared notifications in some situations
  • Updated stylesheets for Flexible Squares Circular theme so that links in subjects are only underlined upon mouse-hover
  • Added invisible element for screenreaders so that entries with no subject will be read as no subject instead of a string of numbers
  • Removed the timestamp from "last updated" on the profile page
  • Added text wrap for long school names on the profile so that the entire div no longer folds under
  • Staggered action links in IE on the profile page when the browser text size is set to "smaller" or "smallest"
  • Fixed bug in A Novel Conundrum layouts which could crash the browser when viewed in IE 6 or 7
  • The friendslist of a deleted and purged journal is no longer accessible via directory search or friendslist.bml
  • Fixed bug on manage/banusers.bml so when all boxes are checked, then some unchecked, these selections are saved correctly
  • Registration forms in new account creation now correctly recognize email addresses with .rs suffix as valid domain
  • Email messages from Verizon now strip the footer and invalid characters so that these posts should work again
  • Emailed picture messages from Sprint are now recognized correctly
  • Added support for View Friends List by Date for S1 styles
  • Fixed reply link in email notifications when CAPTCHA is enabled so that the reply will be properly threaded upon successful CAPTCHA test
  • Writers Block questions now respect language settings in widget on update.bml page
  • Added a "No" command to TXTLJ (not testable in beta) which will cancel waiting requests (due to command words in the entry - at the beginning of a message - being treated as a command)
  • Increased embed limit width and height from 800x800 to 1100x1100
  • Added link to post in titles of posts when viewing entries by tag in S1
  • Removed feedback header from beta settings and profile page
  • Polls created by an account which is currently deleted no longer return an error upon expanding detailed results
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