Release #54

Sep 21, 2009 17:09

Release #54 has gone out today.

Your Journal - Your Money/Google AdSense for Paid users

Paid users will now be able to link their LiveJournal account and a Google AdSense account in order to display ads on their journal. As a Partner website with Google Adsense, LiveJournal will not take any revenue sharing; you will receive 100% of the revenue generated through use of the AdSense program.

- These ads will not be displayed to other Paid users (unless they also participate in the AdSense program and specifically select to see them)
- For more information, please see news, paidmembers, and the FAQ

XML-RPC change:
    Added userpic, number of comments, and last date in getfriendpage
  • Added number of comments and last date in getevents
  • XML-RPC postevent, editfriends, editfriendgroups, editevent, and consolecommand will only work for accounts with a validated email address
Bugs fixed and other changes:
  • Tag clouds no longer appear as a list in Expressive when using Firefox 3.5 (LJSV-666)
  • Checkboxes for event notifications will be enabled for users who have an LJ Messenger account turned on
  • Added URL to small picture of v-gift to alert notifications about v-gifts
  • Visited links in ESN notifications will now appear a different color than unvisited links
  • ESN notifications regarding invitations to communities now work
  • The author of an entry in a community which allows tags to be set by both author and maintainers may now set tags during post creation instead of having to go back and edit them in

release #54

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