LiveJournal has a number of translation strings which require translation. Each individual portion of text on a page is usually given its own string, so that formatting can be preserved while text can be changed. These strings each have an "item code", which generally take the form /directory/filename.bml.stringname. For example, a translation string on the allpics.bml page may look like "/allpics.bml.current", while a string in the Gift Shop may appear as "/shop/sizechart.bml.caps.text".
To determine the item code of a string on a page, you simply need to add ?uselang=debug to the URL (or &uselang=debug if there is already a question mark). All the text will be replaced with the names of the corresponding item codes; note, however, that only the string name appears -- in the previous examples, you would only see ".current" or ".caps.text", respectively. (You can also use this same method to force a page to display in a different language, by replacing "debug" with the appropriate
language code. To view a page in the original English, use the language code "en_LJ", capitalized exactly like this.)
Translation Area lists all languages for which there are translation teams, with some information on the status of the translations. It also shows the date someone last translated or edited each translation. You can sort the items on this page according to the items in the header of the table.
Each language name in the Translation Area links to its individual Language Editor interface. You can view it even while you don't have any privs, but you will not be able to search strings or save any changes. It is important to understand how the Editor works. The top left corner provides two search options (you cannot search by both at the same time). The appropriate search results will appear on the bottom left, and the text to be translated will appear on the right hand side of the screen.
Severity: Severity is a way to show
how up-to-date the translation is. Severities currently in use range from 0, which is an item that does not need to be translated, up to 3, which is something that hasn't been translated at all. You can search all translation strings that have a certain severity (by choosing one of the options 0, 1, 2, 3, 4) or all strings at and above a certain severity (0+, 1+, 2+, 3+).
Text: You can search for specific translation strings based on their translated text, their English text, or their item code. This search method is particularly useful for finding all instances of a certain string of text, or for finding a specific string which you may have come across and want to correct. You can also combine this with an "Area" filter -- "general" searches all non-FAQ strings, "faq" searches all FAQ items, and "journal/news" is not currently used. Usually you can leave this set to the default value of "(all)". You then enter the appropriate text to search.
It is not currently possible to search by both Severity and by Text.
Search Results
Once you've entered in your search criteria, you'll find all items matching that criteria in the lower left area. If you do not have translation privileges, you cannot perform Text searches, and you will receive an error message instead. You will, however, be able to view translation strings by severity, even if you do not have the appropriate translation privileges. The search results will be split into pages of 10 results each (the last page may have fewer). The strings will be listed alphabetically, and the search results will show the first and last string on a particular page.
Selecting a page of the search results will display all those translation strings on the right side of the screen. Here, you will be able to translate or edit individual items. The gray bar above each item will list the item code, the date/time of the last update, a link to a "diff", and the item's
The "diff" page shows the differences in each of the previous revisions, to assist translators in identifying the portions of the string that need to be updated. Words or phrases that were deleted will be highlighted in pink, and words/phrases that were added will be highlighted in green. Also, if there were several changes, there will be links to the previous diff pages at the top: [Change 1] [Change 2] [Change 3] etc. Sometimes you may need to look back to prior changes to see all of the changes that have been made, as a string may be revised several times before you are able to translate it.
To actually make changes to the text, put a checkmark in the Edit box, and translate or edit the text accordingly. If the text hasn't yet been translated yet, you can just enter the translation in the provided field. Then scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click Save. If you don't have the necessary translation privilege, the button will be unclickable.
Some Notes
Be careful to to preserve HTML tags, BML tags, and variable insertions exactly. Don't translate filenames inside of HTML links, for example, and don't translate variable names when you see [[username]]. Also, try to preserve the formatting and number of spaces on indented lines in larger items like FAQ responses. If you have any questions on whether a certain portion of a translation string should be translated, feel free to ask in
Additionally, the translation system is
equipped to handle the pluralization of words in different languages. If your language's pluralization system isn't listed there, please feel free to post to
lj_translate to request that support for it be added.
last updated 24 dec 2005
original draft by