
Jan 28, 2005 13:05

hey all, I've been on this community for a little while but haven't actually said anything... well, not to my memory anyways...

I have a pair of serissa's and they are finicky as hell. Here are some pictures:

This guy is my favorite. I've had him since June '04 and he's done pretty well. Note the clay figurine :)

A shot from the other side.

This guy I just got recently (3-4 weeks ago). I've been extremely patient and caring, watering him regularly and all that jazz, but the leaves just keep shriveling up. *shrugs* I don't really know what to do... it might be because the root system is up kinda high and can't be covered by the gravel... I'm not sure.

Both plants have humidity trays filled with aquarium pebbles. I give them a bath every 4-5 days and spray them with water several times a day (it's not like I have much else to do while sitting in my dorm room... ^_^) Any suggestions on taking care of them? I'm going to get a lower-maintenance bonsai next, probably a fig or a natal plum, but we'll see.

Feedback/suggestions are always appreciated :)

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