I think today is the day for me to talk to my friend Patty.
I have been taking the
"Way of the Master" training course (which I love by the way) and I feel like God has equipped me to talk to her about salvation. God willing, this is the method I will be using.
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I'm posting this because I need prayers, I need accountability.
I'm afraid, and thats the truth of it, and I need your prayers in stomping on this fear. Denying this demon power over me, and courage to do what I know is right. This verse came to mind while I was typing this....so powerful. Thank you Lord for speaking to me.
Romans 1:16a
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes
It looks like she and I and the kids will be going to the park today (around noon EST if you want a specific time to just cover us in prayer). I really think today is the day.
Prayers appriciated, for a receptive heart, for me to be obedient, for my words to be inspired of God, and for the courage to do this today.