NLT's Woman's Daily Devotional - Finding True Love

Feb 27, 2012 11:10

I just wanted to share another devotional I found inspiring. Hope you all like it.

Finding True Love

Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the LORD will be greatly praised.
Proverbs 31:30

This verse is so contrary to what the world tells us, isn't it? The world tells us that being beautiful, rich, or charming is what brings happiness and will make people love us. I'll be the first to admit that this is an area of weakness in my life. I find that I am so consumed with how I look--being thin, fit, in style--that I fail to see myself as Christ sees me. For so long, I believed that in order for any person to ever love me, I had to be perfect. I had to look good, know what I wanted to do with my life, and appear to have everything together. I ended up alienating myself from others--people who might see my imperfections.

It wasn't until I allowed myself to really let go of false standards and fully grasp how much God loves me that I could slowly let my walls down and allow my imperfections to show. God's love is so consuming that what the world values--beauty and charm--starts to lose its importance. I don't want people to think of my external appearance or "charm" when they look back on my life; I want them to see a woman devoted to God and serving him. I want to be a person who fully lives my life within the love of God.

Do you find yourself spending more time each day worrying about what you look like rather than spending time with God in prayer? Have your beauty and charm become a cover-up for your imperfections? Are you afraid that no one would love you if they knew the hidden things about you? No matter what you have or haven't done in life, and no matter what you look like, God's love never changes. His love is stronger and deeper than we can ever imagine. Take off the façade and run to God. Let his love cover all your imperfections.

SOURCE: New Living Translation's Devotional for Woman
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