Example of layout wanted (please provide username/link to the journal of persons lj you've seen):
http://www.livejournal.com/community/lagunabeach_x/Page Title: love me for me
Where on the page, would you like your entries?: on the left
What size width would you like your entries to be (thin, normal, wide)?: just a little wider than the example
What type of Border:(Dashed, dotted, double,solid or none): dashed
Border Size & Color (1 being very thin, and 10 being the thickest.): 3 and CC0066
Link Colors ( active, visted, normal ) : any
Link Effects (blur, uppercase, line-through, glow, shadow/dropshadow, etc.): blur
Cursor: two-headed arrow or plus-sign
Background color: CC6699
Background color for journal entries : white
Background link/picture: collage of Laguna Beach characters Kristin and LC, sort of glowing and blurred like the example and scattered
Background Placement: top and down blank space between entries and info on right
Font, font color, and font size: same font as the example, same size, and CC0066
ScrollBar Colors: white
Page Transitions: blurry
What do you want your comments to say:
- Comment: for me
- # of Comments: love me
Any blinkie you want in between your comments, if so what?: small rainbow flashing star
Comments For Us: i would like the info bar down right side, as in example, but being able to type my own info in there. Also, i would like only the journal entries and right side info bar to scroll. (background stays in place)
Do you want us to e-mail your overrides to you, or email us your password?
E-mail: lilbabigrl419@yahoo.com
Thank you so much! <3 Rachel