Well, then, haiku peeps, we've got a situation: very few entries.
When I say there's "few," I mean "so few freakin' haiku as to end this thing."
Now, don't get me wrong. I know everyone's busy. But... c'mon, you guys.
Not sure what to do, except to extend things out hoping for more stuff. / The new cutoff is Saturday at noon Eastern. Plz post
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Comments 2
So, have I been kicked out yet? Or is there a haiku I should be working on? :0
You weren't the only one though; you may have already seen the most recent entry. I expected 5-6 participants but only two submitted-- so with the deadline already having been extended once, we had to move onto the final round.
I'd do this / start this yet again if I had significant sustained interest.
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