Aug 13, 2008 01:25
Crom'lech [-lek] n. prehistoric structure, monument of flar stone resting on two upright ones
Runners up
Croquette' [-ket'] n. fried ball of minced meat, fish, etc.
Cro'sier [-zhər] n. bishop's or abbot's staff
Croup'ier [-ōō-] n. person dealing cards, collecting money, etc at gambling table
Aug 10, 2008 16:46
Out of town for a few days, so Word of the Day will be returning on Wednesday.
Aug 10, 2008 13:18
Cren'ellated a. having battlements
Runners up
Creta'ceous [-shəs] a. chalky
Cress n. various plants with edible pungent leaves
Criterion [krī-] n. standard of judgement
Aug 09, 2008 01:47
Coz'en [ku-] vt. flatter in order to cheat
Runners up
Cow'rie n. brightly marked sea shell
Cox'comb n. one given to showing off
Coy'pu' [-pōō] n. aquatic rodent, orig. from South America, yielding nutria fur
Craniom'etry [krā-] n. the study of the measurements of the human head
Aug 08, 2008 01:27
Crèche [kresh] n. day nursery for very young children
Runners up
Cravat' n. man's neckcloth
Cra'ven a. cowardly, abject, spineless
(Not very exciting words on this page. I generally try to pick ones that I've never heard of. No luck on that today.)
Aug 06, 2008 02:24
Cos'mos [-z'-] n. plant cultivated for brightly coloured flowers
Runners up
Cotill'(i)on [-til'yən] n. lively dance
Cotyle'don [kot-i-lē'-] n. primary leaf of plant embryos
Aug 05, 2008 00:00
Corrigen'dum [-jen'-] n. thing to be corrected
Runners up
Corse'let n. piece of armour to cover the trunk
Cortege' [-tāzh'] n. formal (funeral) procession
Cosh n. blunt weapon
Aug 04, 2008 00:07
Cor'gi n. a small Welsh dog
Runners up
Coquette' [-ket'] n. woman who flirts
Cor'acle [ko'rə-] n. boat of wicker covered with skins
Corb'el n. stone or timber projection from wall to support something
Coria'ceous a. of or like leather
Cor'morant n. large voracious sea bird
Aug 03, 2008 08:14
Coomb [kōōm]n. valley
Runners up
Coop'er n. one who makes casks
Cop'ra n. dried coconut kernels
Cop'ula n. word esp. verb acting as connecting link in sentence; connection, tie
Aug 02, 2008 02:05
I forgot to mention, Word of the Day is going on a oh-so-brief hiatus because I am out of town for a couple days. It will commence once more this upcoming Sunday. Sorry 'bout that.