Ways I relate to Finn

Feb 28, 2019 03:39

An incomplete list of the ways I relate to Finn, movies and Before the Awakening canon:

  1. Is recovering from emotional abuse with all the messiness the process implies
  2. Was a promising and high-achieving student, yet never felt like he belonged
  3. Tried to win acceptance and friendship by helping someone
  4. Walked away from an abusive situation
  5. Ended up throwing away a lot of stability and certainty as a result
  6. Fell in love with his best friend
  7. Confronted his abuser and threw her in the trash
    (This was only metaphorical in my case)
  8. Traumatically bonded with someone who was being toxic to him

Dreamwidth entry URL: https://lj-writes.dreamwidth.org/2019/02/28/finn-relatable.html

sensitive subject: abuse, fandom: star wars, fan work: meta, character: finn

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