Prompt: Awkward & Awesome!

Jun 04, 2011 23:18

Hey y'all! So glad to see so many of you here aleady. I'm excited, guys! :)

I thought maybe folks might like a little jumpstart to their LJ return, and since I have so much fun with this one, I thought I'd suggest it.

Shamelessly stolen from Sydney at The Daybook, I present to you... Awkward & Awesome! A chronicle of anything in your week that fits under those categories.

I posted mine here, on my journal, but check it out, under the cut, as well.

So Sydney over at The Daybook does this fabulously funny thing called "Awkward & Awesome," where she lists all of the -- pretty clearly -- awkward and awesome things that happen to her over the course of her week. I think it's a great, funny way to reflect on a week -- who doesn't need more positivity and/or whimsy in their lives? I know I sure do. ;)

So. My Week, in bullet form. *clears throat*

- This photo:

...Friends, this is what happens when I try and take a photo of myself, MySpace-style. I used to be good at this, right? I didn't look like Sloth-in-motion..? Seriously, what?!
- My landlord came upstairs today to check out the air conditioner we put in earlier this week. ...The window unit that my dad stole wood from the basement to secure. He said my landlord would never notice it was missing. My landlord looked at the wood and said, "Oh, right. That's what I had that for."
- I wandered into my kitchen after my shower in my VERY short bath robe and bent over a bit to stare into the refrigerator. At the sound of a slight thud, I turned around to see a shirtless torso framed by the skylight. There was a man on my roof with a perfect view of my robe-clad bum. I squeaked. And ran.
- I went to the bar with two of my girlfriends. One of them brought her boyfriend, who brought two of his friends. When one of them smiled and me and started to introduce himself, my friend was still mid-story. She didn't stop talking and he didn't stop smiling at me, so I spent a solid 7 seconds playing a tennis match with my eyes, grinning stupidly the whole time. I remained socially inept for the duration of the evening. He was cute. And pre-med. ...Drat.

- My students! They gave me lovely cards on my last day at Columbus with them. They thanked me for being "such a good teacher" and told me they loved me and would miss me. I cried a little. I'll be honest.
- Starbucks has brought back the MOCHA COCONUT FRAPPUCCINO. As skyspun can attest, they are fabulous, and I get a liiiiiittle too excited over them. Whatevs - it's the little things, dammit!
- skyspun and I saw Bridesmaids on Sunday night! I had no idea what to expect, but ohmilord. SO funny. I had tears rolling down my cheeks more than once. And I listened to "Hold On" multiple times this week. ;)
- Coming back to LiveJournal! I'm so happy to see so many folks over at ljremix already! I really miss this place, and I miss recollecting the GOOD things that happen here, too. I vow to begin again!

What's your week been like? :)

Leave us a comment here if you write it up in your journal! :)
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