1. Name: caitlin
2. Age: 16
3. Sex: female
4. Location: new hampshire
5. Something interesting about yourself: i have excema :(
6. If you had to repopulate the world, with what celebrity would you have help you? jake gyllenhaal
7. Describe yourself in as little words as possible: ambivalent
8. Why do you think you are one of LJs Finest?(you can be conceited): conceit, i can do that... i have really nice eyes and i really love my shoulders/collarbone plus my pictures are au naturale. no make up whatsoever (with the exception of some blistex) i think that gives you a good view on how i look, first thing in the morning or otherwise.
9. Promote for us. Give a link: (your LJ doesn't count)
hot_or_die10. At least 3 clear pictures:
[edit:] a smirk. i really don't like my smile. i don't have great teeth. i dislike their shape