
May 12, 2005 21:31

1. Name: britanie faith
2. Age: twenty
3. Sex: female
4. Location: mass
5. Something interesting about yourself: its not that interesting, more pathetic really -- but im allergic to most foods... i cant eat dairy, wheat/gluten, sugar, rice, soy, etc. so basically all I eat is fish, non starchy veggies and fruit. oh and i live on herbal teas. lol
6. If you had to repopulate the world, with what celebrity would you have help you? 50 cent or Gavin Rossdale. or both. lmfao<3 and uhmm if it were physically possible, Angelina Jolie.
7. Describe yourself in as little words as possible: open minded, sensative, caring, compassionate, loyal, fashionable, sexual, emotional.
8. Why do you think you are one of LJs Finest?(you can be conceited): Well, I think that I am *attractive* I am not going to sit here and say im hot shit, but I think I could definately belong with this group of people.
9. Promote for us. Give a link: (your LJ doesn't count):
10. At least 3 clear pictures:

and just incase anyone asks...

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