Panoramas - A single, wide image, made up of multiple exposures, of whatever you choose.
Photo stitching tutorials:
The GimpPhotoshop ElementsPhotoshop (CS4) The single image, covering at least a 180° angle, is to be made up of exposures taken between now and 9:00 pm GMT (1 pm Pacific, 4 pm Eastern) on Friday the 10th.
Post the photo either in an entry which you link to from a comment below, or directly in a comment here. Please note what kind of camera you're using, the settings, if you have them, any post production steps you may have taken, and if you're entering just for fun. There will be a Darkroom post immediately after this one for discussions on the prompt, so if you have any questions, then please ask them there :D
The image size rules are relaxed a little for this prompt. As it is a wide image that is required, the maximum width for an image is 1000 pixels posted in comments, but, as always, it can link to a larger picture. Also, the image editing rules are relaxed to allow the steps used in the tutorials above, as many exposures as are necessary, and for the use of any specialist photo stitching tools you may want to use. Time lapsing the exposures with corrections in each photo for exposure levels is also allowed.
Voting for this prompt will be MEMBERS ONLY. When polling starts, I will lock down membership, and whittle out any that seem to be dead journals (i.e., no updates, or haven't updated in over a year).
Entries are still open for
Topic 14. They will be for another four and a half hours or so!