(no subject)

Jul 30, 2005 15:47

For those who wanted tag list: though it is not possible to get it from LJ (now) the client can at least store the ones you use when posting an entry. If you have several usernames they will share the same taglist.txt stored in the draft folder. Also tags are stored when you only open an entry via history.
Go to http://www.livejournal.com/manage/tags.bml , select all tags and paste tag list into the file. Or create an entry via web interface with all tags and open it via history in the client so that you do not need to edit that file manually. Tags in the menu are sorted alphabetically and reloaded from file on every access.

To use separate tag lists for each username create a taglist.username.txt file for each username, default taglist.txt is used if that file is not found. In the same way you can have separate taglists for communities using taglist.username.communityname.txt files.
To make tags converted to lowercase (to avoid duplicated tags that only have different case) create a file taglist_lower.txt (or rename existing taglist.txt). When that file is found, tags are loaded from it and converted to lowercase. For uppercase create taglist_upper.txt. Otherwise taglist.txt is used and tags are not converted.

To cancel autocorrection of a certain word use Ctrl+Z (Edit/Undo) and select Add to user dictionary from the right-click menu.

Running Semagic from a removable drive: at your home computer hold Ctrl when exiting from the program. That will save the whole registry key with Semagic settings to semagic.re1 file (it is not a .reg file and is not human readable). Then copy that file with the program to the removable disk and run on the target computer (e.g. at work). The program will locate that file and ask you to import the file into the registry. You may get an error message if your account does not have required privileges to perform import. On exit you will get another prompt to export settings back to the file and remove the registry key. Do report if you personally want this behavior to be somehow improved (skip prompts etc.) because that was a request from one user and I did not get more feedback.

Download page

taglist, new version

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