Yet another meme. This time, it's questions about me and the missus. Ganked from Mary Schar.
- How long have you been together? Married for 7 and known each other for more than 11.
- How long did you know each other before you started dating? Lived together for 2 years before we dated.
- Who asked who out? It was a mutual realization.
- How old are each of you? I'm 36, she is 29.
- Whose siblings do/did you see the most? Mine, because they are a bit closer.
- Do you have any children together? Nope.
- What about pets? Cats. One is mine, one is hers and one belongs to no one.
- Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple? Figuring out what to have for lunch.
- Did you go to the same school? Not at all.
- Are you from the same home town? Not even from the same state.
- Who is the smartest? I have more college credit than her. Does that answer it?
- Who is the most sensitive? She is. Duh.
- Where do you eat out most as a couple? What? Are you stalking us now?
- Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? California.
- Who has the craziest exes? Me.
- Who has the worst temper? Me.
- Who does the cooking? Me.
- Who is more social? Me.
- Who is the neat-freak? Neither.
- Who is more stubborn? We compromise.
- Who hogs the bed? The cats.
- Who wakes up earlier? Me.
- Where was your first date? On top of a mound of snow.
- Who has the bigger family? Me.
- Do you get flowers often? Nope. But I don't care about flowers. Though I do send them to her from time to time.
- How do you spend the holidays? On the road.
- Who is more jealous? Her.
- What is "your song"? We don't really have one. Our first dance was to "Drop In The Ocean" by Michelle Branch.
- How long did it take to get serious? Not long.
- Who eats more? Me.
- Who does the laundry? Her.
- Who’s better with the computer? Fixing it? Me.
- Who drives when you are together? I chauffeur her around.