Star Trek Review

May 14, 2009 20:54

Yes, I saw Star Trek. It was a thoroughly enjoyable movie once I got over JJ Abrahm's use of lens flares. I know he used them for an effect like 'the future's so bright I gotta wear shades' but it was too much. Every shot had flares. It wasn't like this in the original... or was it?

image Click to view

Here are my thoughts on the characters:
The entire time Kirk is on screen, I wanted to punch him in the face. In retrospect, I think it was good acting on Pine's part. Kirk is portrayed as a womanizing jerk that fails upwards in the Federation ranks.
Spock character development was interesting. He was more complex than the wooden vision of a Vulcan that I had in my mind.
Uhura seemed a bit needy... or maybe easy. She is so going to have a 1/4 Vulcan baby.
I really liked Bones' attitude and how he kept injecting Kirk.

The plot had some giant holes that you could pilot an Enterprise through:
1) What kind of mining ship requires enough firepower to destroy the entire Klingon fleet?
2) Why did Nero use his time in the past to destroy the Federation instead of saving his home planet?
3) Was it really necessary to jettison Kirk onto Delta Vega? Did the Enterprise not have a brig? Or maybe just a room with a door that locks.
4) The original plan was for Spock to turn the supernova near the Romulan home world into a black hole. Is that really better?

Regardless of the plot holes, I did enjoy the movie and I'm intrigued by where they are taking the franchise.

Let the movie summer madness begin!


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