Maybe I'll start to post here more again. I miss my beautiful cuz.
Me, Cassie, & Jenn. Cambell's soup modeling, here we come.
Bruna, Me, & Lo at the first annual OC Party
The 6th man gals. Who wouldn't want to get a dollar off, right?
Jenn, Lo, Me, Bruna. Attempt at posing #1.
Attempt #2. Got me mid-laugh.
Me, Scott, Bru, & Niah @ the game.
Andrew & I.
So on Friday I went to my 1st Northview Basketball game in 2 years. That was fun. This girl was "gagsta" and wanted to beat me up, it was so funny. I had such a fabulous time. Afterwards Andrew, Bob, Carly, Jenn, Lo, Sean, Kevin, and Josh came over to hottub and stuff. We had a fun time bonding. Yesterday I worked out in the morning. At 3:00 I went to the NHS hockey game. Sorry boys.. too bad. I love hockey so much, I've missed it, however it was very weird without Alex being on the team slash me dating him. No one to focus on, you know? After that Lo, Jenn, and I went to Craig's house out in Rockford where he had a bunch of friends over. That was fun too. Today I didn't to anything until Andrew and Bob came over at 8:30 for a couple hours. Now it's now.