Yay Blues Brothers!!! Oh and um, you should take some initiative. <---predictable sumpin fierce. But anyway, I'm down for some Bond. James Bond. No Bond(age). Wait. Let's just stick with the Jimmy Bond for now.
But then, you took the initiative to tell us that we need to tell you to take some initiative before you would take some initiative... so, um... you lied? Or my head hurts enough that I'm on drugs...
Comments 2
Yay Blues Brothers!!! Oh and um, you should take some initiative. <---predictable sumpin fierce. But anyway, I'm down for some Bond. James Bond. No Bond(age). Wait. Let's just stick with the Jimmy Bond for now.
But then, you took the initiative to tell us that we need to tell you to take some initiative before you would take some initiative... so, um... you lied? Or my head hurts enough that I'm on drugs...
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