let's start this post off with a cut, shall we?
Okay, so here's a list of stuff I got when my cousins and I woke up at 3:21 AM. Very early mind you.
1 CD
- Duran Duran's Greatest Hits (?! WTF?!)
3 DVDs
- The Goonies
- South Park: Season One
2 sweatshirts
4 pairs of multicolored socks
1 wallet
1 Lord of the Rings Monopoly game (very fun...we played and I was Frodo)
1 scarf & hat set
1 knitting kit (has brought me hours of entertainment. I suck, but whatever)
1 necklace
654219687 bags of candy
1 new phone (plays the Rocky theme. Makes me feel manly)
1 pair of Birks & new house slippers
I think that's about it. I enjoyed all of it Xmas morning at 3 AM.
So this weekend I have leanred to knit and gamble with money. Pretty good for a 16 year old lazy ass like myself. Oh and I also had the best french fries I have ever tasted. Mmm.
I went to Driver's Ed Monday and Tuesday. I think I'm one of two who's actually getting their license through the class. Yeah. And my class is also stupid. Except for Ann. I protect her from the nasty gore that the instructor gives us...and believe me, it's nasty. PUT A SEATBELT ON. YOU DO NOT WANT A STEERING WHEEL IMPAILING YOU IN LESS THAT ONE-FIFTH OF A SECOND AND BLOOD RUSHING TO YOUR LUNGS.