(no subject)

Dec 27, 2003 17:46

When did you first become a LOTR fan? : I saw Fellowship once and didn't think much of it. Saw it again and liked it more. I admit, I liked it from the movies, not the books. The books are confusing at times.

Have you read the books? : Yes. All the LotR series and parts of The Hobbit.

Seen the movies? :What is it that you love about LOTR? : I think it's cool that an author can create a world which I could believe could have existed in some time. It's very true, land-wise, without floating castles in clouds or trees made of cotton candy. It's truly believable.

how many times did you see each of the movies : Ah, a lot. Too lazy to count. But I can't really sit through them at home, so probably just a few times on DVD.

Times you've read the books : Once, and that's enough.

Just how obsessed are you with LOTR? : I've got memorabilia (shirts and posters) but I mean, not that much. I retain a lot of names and places, so I guess that kind of contributes. I don't memorize family trees or anything. Well, maybe one.

Can you speak elvish? : Uh, no.

Did you dress up for any of the movie premires : No, not really. I made a shirt for TTT and was a hobbit one Halloween, but that's it.

Most memorable moment as a fan : Seeing TTT. Very exciting because I didn't know what to expect.

- - -favorites- - -

favorite of the books : Two Towers. I don't know why, I just liked it a bunch :)
Favorite of the movies : Two Towers (again). I think it's because I wanted to see it badly and was satisfied.
Favorite overall character : Sam <3 He's the one with the most balls.
Character you find most attractive : Errr...geez. Frodo, Sam, Faramir, and Aragorn.
Favorite Couple : Sam & Rosie definitely. All the Elf/Man stuff is weird.
Favorite hobbit : Sam.
Favorite elf : Haldir, probably. I really don't like Elves.
Favorite human : Aragorn or.....HAMA! <333
Favorite dwarf : There's only one...Gimli
Favorite wizard : Ooohhh. Uh, Gandalf.
Favorite orc : Grishnakh
Favorite villian : Gollum
Favorite horse : BILL! <3333
Favorite scene from the books : Shelob, definitely.

Favorite scene from the movies : Breaking of the Fellowship. I really liked the set.
Coolest creature : The eagles. Gwahir could talk, but he didn't in RotK....
Scariest creature : All the Orcs. They're majorly creepy.
Cutest creature : Hobbits.
Favorite quote :
"War mungering?" - Eomer, TTT

- - -Middle Earth- - -

Do you have a hobbit name? : Esmerelda Sandybanks. I think I'm a prostitute.
An elf name? : Er...we hates them, Precious.
Where would you want to live in Middle Earth? : Definitely the Shire. Lovely trees and lots of potatoes :)
What kind of creature would you be? : Hobbitses.
What's your weapon of choice?: Sword.
Are you good/evil/somewhere in between? : I'd be too sarcastic. So I guess I'm evil.

I hate hackers. They hack nice people and make me angry.
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