Well, I'm at work, and instead of doing my job, I figured I'd blow the dust off of this thing and give an update.
Wednesday it started. I claimed my father
at the airport and we headed to Wakefield
. My brother
had been home torturing my mother for a few days already, so it was my turn to step up and distract him for a while. We went candlepin bowling
with my father. Sound like nice family fun time? Well unfortunately my brother is extremely competitive, and since I beat him, he threw a little fit and bowled two more strings by himself. That was more than enough “family time” for me so I went to hang out with Brian, JR, Anne, and Lindsay after that. Drank
a little bit and watched JR play some videogames. I came home to find that my brother had stolen my bed and instead of fighting
with him, just parked myself on the couch and woke up in pain.
Thanksgiving dinner
was FAIRLY civil and afterwards we went to go visit my paternal grandmother. She’s not doing so well, granted she’s in her 80’s so I guess there isn’t all that much to be expected, but it’s sad to see her like that. I lived with her for the first fourteen years of my life and now I rarely even get to see her. Anyway, her entire family was there and she didn’t even know that more than half of them were coming. Four generations all littered about the house. Four children, her nine grandchildren, and her two great grandchildren all came to visit. I’m sure that it’ll be the last time something like that happens for her, she was nearly in tears for a portion of the night.
After the event I hightailed it back to Boston because I wasn’t going to spend another night on that couch. Plus, there wasn’t anything planned for Friday, and I’ve quit Best Buy
. THAT’S RIGHT! BEST BUY AND I ARE THROUGH! So my plans consisted of sleeping in as late as I could and grabbing a bite to eat with Melissa
Well, boy was I wrong. I was awaken at ten by my mother telling me that she wanted to leave for New York
right away, instead of the following day. Since I was half asleep, under-caffeinated, lying next to a cute girl, and looking forward to a day away from my fucked up brother Billy, I think she sensed my reluctance. She told me that Melissa could come if she wanted to and basically I knew that I didn’t have a say in the matter. (despite her wording of “Would you mind if we left today instead?”) I didn’t think that Melissa would want to have dinner with the Grandparents
but alas she accepted. It was nice until the ride home where Billy got all crazy.
Billy has problems
, there’s NO doubt about that. I’m not a doctor but from what I’ve researched about Asperger’s Syndrome
I REALLY think that he has it. It’s a type of high functioning autism that prevents the person from being able to act in normal social environments. Basically, they don’t know how to read people’s body language or infer context of a situation. They obsess over routine to a degree but the biggest thing is social interaction. Billy fits the persona perfectly but when I brought this to the attention of my father, he told me that he thinks Billy is doing great in the “Honor Christian Academy” (which isn’t going to do ANYTHING for Billy) and that he thinks that I’m what causes Billy to act the way that he does.
Anyway, I thought that the Christian Academy was a good idea initially. It would force Billy into a social environment and give my father a break from everything since he’s had to put up with the kid for the past six years. I was under the assumption that it was a church sponsored program that the church paid for to get helping hands for their mission trips and brainwashing sessions or whatever. NOPE, my father is paying $10,000 a year to send him there. He’s not getting anything out of it either, it’s not academic, and they frown on relationships. He pays all this money to be told that he can’t listen to music, can’t drink, can’t smoke, can’t have a girlfriend, and needs to read the bible! If he does well, he gets the opportunity to pay ANOTHER $10,000 to be an intern and work for the academy. HE HAS TO PAY THEM, TO WORK FOR THEM! I’m glad that my father’s money is going to somewhere worthwhile and not something stupid like helping me pay for school.
I feel so bad that I can’t tolerate my immediate family. Billy has a problem, but no one is willing to deal with it. I’ve always thought that Billy was just an ass, but now I think that he legitimately doesn’t realize that he’s pissing off people when he does. He needs help, but my father is just too fucking stubborn to take care of it. Jesus is going to fix Billy, he doesn’t need therapy or medication
On the plus side...
I saw Dennis!