More Ouji!

May 03, 2012 21:21

Alas, my paid account expired so I can't use my Ouji icon, so this will have to do.-nevermind, yay nonnie mouse! Thank you!

Tonight's event was interesting! Ouji, as it turns out, loves to play billiards-and he's really good at it, too. So today's event was learning how to play, with Ouji and Asato Yuuya-and only 13 women.

I walk into the bar-and surprise of all surprises, the two actors are actually out there playing pool and not hiding in the staff room until time. I'm feeling shy so I don't really say anything, but Ouji is walking around and chatting with everyone while he shows off his moves. It's obvious he's having a really good time, and the mood is infectious. He welcomes all of us and immediately jumps into the right stances and a basic hand bridge, and goes around checking all of us. I'm being really awkward with the pool cue, and Ouji's trying to tell me to bend my arm to a 90 degree angle-and finally he just takes my elbow and does it for me. He just gives me a big smile and asks if I understand Japanese (which I do), and continues to chat-BUT figures out quickly that if he speaks slowly, I can reply. Kudos to him, that was awesome.

We don't actually play a game, we practice hitting the balls and each put one into a pocket (both the boys were huge helps when it came to positioning the cues. I'm terrible; we were all laughing.) We line up for pictures, and Asato is helping other women with their shots when my turn comes for the photo. I get into position, and Ouji stops me-as Asato just issued a Challenge of the First Degree-and he has to show off his shots for us!

We take the photo (Ouji kept telling me 'chikaku, chikaku!'-eep!), and, as per the last event, asks me "Half? Are you half? You're half right?" I reply that I'm not, and he asks me where I'm from-but he's using keigo, so I don't really understand until he asks "Spain?" XD That's a new one for me.

The two boys play a quick game to show how to play 8-ball and trick shots-and the last ball just will NOT go in. Ouji tries eight or nine times, Asato grabs the microphone and acts like a game announcer-but he finally gets it in the pocket (while complaining that he really wanted to show us trick shots, but it just wasn't happening that day.) He racks it again, asks for volunteers to play-after a few tries, I go up and nail the ball on the first try! Sweet!

Event ends and both of them are at the door, each having a quick conversation with us. Asato asks me where I'm from in Japanese, I answer-and then he asks in English "Where are you from?" XD Cute. It turns out he's from Okinawa and is familiar with the base there.

And then I move on to Ouji-who takes my hand in both of his (that boy does love holding hands), thanks me, remarks that I definitely showed improvement in billiards, it was fun, all that good stuff-wasn't surprised that I heard of him through Tenimyu. All in all, I left -really- happy. He just has this really strong, positive aura-he wants everyone else to be as happy as he is. Next event is in June, and I am DEFINITELY going!

And here's the photo-sorry it's blurry, it's a photo of a photo!

ouji rabu

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