The Little Tart Dash

Apr 28, 2005 19:11

I've been thinking about how much more pleasant a person I am to know now than at this time a year ago. Olivia and I have been speculating about how much of this has to do with our use of various substances - it's not as though I'm constantly high, but I feel like it sometimes. So few things phase me anymore. There are some situations in my life right now that would have consumed me before, but now I take them as they come and for the most part, everything has worked out well. I'm much calmer. I don't fill my life with extraneous things that don't matter.

I'm also nicer, I think. Where, in high school, I was really judgmental, and I tended to assume that if Person A was friends with Person B, who didn't like me, that Person A wouldn't like me, either. Now I realize that that's not normally the case. I know some of you would laugh if I didn't say that I'm still pretty judgmental, but I think I've improved. At lunch the other day, I said, "oh, I really like her/him" about five times in a row, and that's when I realized how much I'd changed. I'd just rather be on good terms with peopleWhen now; it's more a question of people I would prefer to spend time with and people I would not prefer to spend time with than of people I like and hate. There are a lot of people I misjudged when I first came here. Luckily, in most cases, that was not a problem in us becoming friends.

I did laundry today. That was tremendously calming. I am also caught up on my work for the first time in a week, which rocks. Um. This week has been hectic to the max, but that's mainly because I spent like six hours with Laura and Olivia (thanks, ladies) editing a short story for a contest. Hopefully I will win hella ca$h. Anyway, all the editing made us loopy, so we have been making up nicknames for each other and spreading fake rumors about Andy. We only have like a month left!

When I come home, I will probably be back at Border's. I talked to the manager yesterday; he said expected to have hours free in the cafe. Though not ideal, as the cafe employees have a uniform and such, it is better than Target or any other job I could probably get so late in the summer, so I think I'll take it.

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