I made another pilgrimage to Massachusetts this weekend - Boston on Friday and Saturday, and Amherst yesterday. Last night Sarah, her boyfriend, her friend Miranda and I got pho and ice cream, and this morning Kate took me to Miss Florence's Cafe in Florence. All the tables had their own tiny jukeboxes, and we chose "Rocket Man" and "Let it Be."
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Comments 7
I don't know, though. I think it's one thing to post weird things about yourself on, say, a message board about a fetish. But to write into a mainstream-ish porn mag and say that you save your jizz? I don't know. I believe someone does it, but not that they wanted Jade to know.
Although in this mag - and many others, I'm sure - the supposed responses from the models were full of lines like "I love all cocks." So. Maybe there's an atmosphere of acceptance I'm not getting. On the other hand, to say that porn has an atmosphere of acceptance seems pretty ironic. Maybe for men?
Then again, that Bob story is convincing.
It was so good to see ye! Friends!
It was so good to see you, too! I'm sad you'll no longer be a mere 3-4 hours away soon. Midwest visits?
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