(no subject)

Jan 19, 2005 14:40

*Who are you? Stefania
*What time is it? 2:05 pm

[Sex, Intimacy, etc..]

*Describe your first kiss: Real kiss.. 8th grade with Arek. Just on the lips
*ever taken a shower with someone else? No
*if yes, were they of same or different sex? ---
*do you believe that the color green subliminally make you horny? lol i don't know. haven't really thought about it. we'll see...
*did you know thats why they made the green m&m a "sexy" female? oh that's cute.
*If you are no longer a virgin, do you wish you still were? i'm a virgin
*If you were/are in a relationship and your boy/girlfriend wanted to save themselves for marriage, would you respect that and stay with them, leave them, or cheat? I would stay with them for sure
*Do you believe in schools only teaching about abstinence, or birth control methods as well?  I don't really think abstinence works because a lot of people are just gunna have sex anyway.
*Did your parents ever talk to you about sex? No!
*When you asked where babys came from, what did your parents used to tell you? I don't remember
*Have you ever had a 'pregnancy scare'? no
*Do you believe that everyone masturbates, even if they deny it? No, because there are a lot of people that don't
*If you are sexually active are you responsible? I would be, yes
*Why is it more acceptable for a woman to be bi or gay than for a man? Because people think it's normal for women to be really close. And guys like girl on girl action.
*Which is the most intimate: oral sex, anal sex, or regular sex? Regular Sex
*Have you ever had a one night stand? No

[Trust, Friendships, and just, people]

*Who has done something today to show they care about you? no one yet...
*What was the last compliment you received? you're cute.
*is it easy to gain your trust? yes
*Is there anyone you trust completely? yea, there are a few
*Have you ever felt like you've been a little bit too good to someone? yea
*What would make you lose respect for someone? go behind your back and do something really bad
*How do you know the difference between a "Real" person and a "fake" person? whether or not they act the same around you and others
*Has anyone given you a second chance? If yes, who and for what? I think so. Blythe
*Who needs to get over themselves? idk
*Who can you be with, doing anything or nothing, and always have the best time? Phil, Jessica, Urbie, Rae
*Who can you only handle for a short period of time? not many people.
*Do you enjoy being in social situations? how social are we talking?
*Do you push people away even if you really want them to come closer? yea, when I'm in a really weird mood.
*Do you consider anyone unworthy your friendship? lol! no, i'm not that cool.
*Who do you feel distant from, that you used to be close to? Justin, Caitlin
*Has anyone ever broken a promise to you, if yes what? Yes. just little things
*Have you broken a promise to anyone else, if yes what? Yea, again, little things
*How have any siblings influenced your life? I sadly can't answer this question
*Who would you be afraid to have angry at you? Phil, Jessica
*Who has made the biggest sacrifice for you? Chris did
*Have you ever used somebody? No
*Has any one led you on, explain? kind of.
*Who would you call in the middle of the night if you needed someone to talk to? rae, daniella
*Have you ever felt like you were holding someone else back? yea
*Has someone ever held you back? no
*Do you start conversations or wait for other people to start them? I can usually start them.
*Do you listen to other people's advice? yes
*Do you neglect your friends when you have a signifigant other? i want to say no, but i feel like i've gotten really distant with some people. idk maybe that happened just over time
*Did you forgive the last person that hurt you? yea

[Personal emotions, thoughts, and feelings]

*Although everyone has good and bad days, are you generally a happy person? yea.
*Do you generally understand why you feel the way you do? no
*What are you thinking right now? i'm gunna fail my exams.
*What are you wondering? when is phil gunna get home?
*Do you think for yourself? Yea
*What is one idea that your thoughts generally come back to? what im doing after hs
*Can you tell the difference between what you think and what you feel? i think so
*Are you ever afraid to write/say/think how you feel? yes
*Would you write/say/think it anyway or avoid the situation? probably avoid
*Do you say what you mean? yea
*What is the happiest way you can start your day? laughing with friends
*Does your happiness come from inside yourself or from other people? Both
*What keeps you happy? my homies, phil, cinnamon!
*Have you ever put your fist through the wall? no
*Who do you blame things on? myself
*Have you ever been on anti depressants? No
*Do you suffer from stress? No
*Are you crying on the inside? not now
*What makes you experience nostalgia? pictures, old journals
*When was the last time you did something and later asked yourself 'did I do the right thing?'? when i say stuff i'm not too sure about
*What was a choice that you didn't want to make but you had to? idk
*Is there anything you feel unworthy of? my grades. my boyfiend and friends
*Why does the truth hurt? Because you may not like it.
*When are you the most insecure? most of the time
*When was the last time you screwed up big time? um.. new years
*Are you quick to anger? Are you slow to forgive? yes and i forgive easily

[Love, Relationships, etc...]

*Does love come from the brain, the heart or elsewhere? Heart
*What is your status? novio
*Are you lonely? no
*Do you need to be in a relationship to feel good about yourself? Nah
*What is the cutest thing a guy/girl has done to show they like you? Phil can be such a dork and say the cutest things.
*What do people generally discuss when we talk about love? feelings, people
*Would you rather like your guy/girl more than they like you, or have them like you more? like each other the same.
*Have you ever cheated on someone? Nope
*If yes, how did you feel?-----
*Have you ever been cheated on? I don't think so
*If someone cheated on you, do you think they can ever go back to being loyal? no
*If someone offered you $1,000 to cheat on your boy/girlfriend, would you do it? no sir!
*Are your relationships mostly passion or conversation? they're both

[Random Questions]

*In what ways are you a conformist? I like to have my friends opinions on a lot of things
*What do you think of the slogan 'you laugh because i'm different. I laugh becuse you are all the same'? lol it's cute.
*Do you know what the game capture the flag is? yea
*Have you ever stepped on, sat in, or been hit by bird poo? stepped on and sat
*Do chirping birds just completely piss you off? no, just scare me a little
*Make up a superhero with really unhelpful powers: i'm drawing a blank right now
*Where have all the COOKIES gone? i dont know man, they just disappeared
*How many definitions can you come up with for the word 'fuck'? about 3
*Freestyle some poetry right now: no silly!
*Have you ever misinterpreted song lyrics in a funny way and the words you thought were right made no sense at all, but you sang it anyway? yes! lol the used had to be uncool and say cut instead of cunt.

[Do you..]

*Label yourself (Goth, Punk, Prep, Emo, etc)? Stefania.
*Claim that your opinions and beliefs are RIGHT? no
*Listen to only one style of music? Nah
*Wear only one style of clothes? no, well, idk i usually wear whatever
*Hate a certain style of music? i'm not too big on jazz or like blue grass- banjoness
*Hate Life? Nope
*Hate everyone? Nope
*Hide your feelings rather than deal with them? yea
*Hide things about yourself from others? Yea
*Always think people are laughing at you? sometimes.. is that conceited or what?
*Enjoy being home alone? sometimes

[Finish the phrase...]

*It's always darkest before.. the sun rises
*Don't bite the hand that.. feeds you
*An idle mind is.. the devil's playground
*Laugh and the whole world laughs with you.. mmhm
*danger is.. hardcore
*just keep.. trucking
*never trusting.. thieves
*the way I live my life.. is the way i live my life
*don't change.. who you are
*maybe someday.. i'll meet seth green
*Pain is.. beauty lol
*All men like to hear... dirty words
*All woman like to hear.. i love you
*complaining is a release... of stress
*let's walk in the... snow
*where did all these... noodles come from??
*why can't i... just be happy?
*easier than.. your mom
*closer than.. a brother
*i'll stay if...you ask
*love me... before I become disappointing
*my mom thinks you're... cute
*are you.. having fun?
*i miss... my phillly
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