
Oct 14, 2009 00:00

NAME: Squeak
AIM: ohmnomnom
OTHER CHARACTERS: selfshifting & boobwindow

NAME: Megan Gwynn
CODENAME: Pixie (not yet in use in this AU)
SERIES/SOURCE: New X-Men/Academy X/wevs
AGE: 14
GENDER: Female
ROLE: Student

BACKGROUND: Megan was born in a small Welsh mining village called Abergylid. With typical Marvel disregard for anachronism with respect to things that happen in countries other than America, her father worked in the mine and was killed in a mining accident when she was younger. That was about the most exciting thing that ever happened in Abergylid. Or, at least, it was until the day when, cycling one of the horrible little windy roads you find around small Welsh mining villages, Megan was almost hit by a car. She wasn't actually hurt, and nor was the driver, but the accident did trigger the manifestation of her mutant powers. This quickly became the new most exciting thing that ever happened in Abergylid. Her powers aren't especially dangerous ones or anything, but the drastic change in her appearance shook everyone up enough that her mother decided it would be a good idea to pack her off to the Xavier Institute. Megan agreed pretty enthusiastically because it was getting a bit awkward for her around Abergylid and she'd never been to America before.

PERSONALITY: Upbeat at the kind of speed that makes it difficult for other people to keep up with how chipper she is. She's only the brightest crayon in the box in the sense that she is the sparkly neon-coloured rainbow crayon; it's not that she's totally stupid, she's just not necessarily the quickest on the uptake, instead falling into the 'obliviously cheerful' category most of the time. She doesn't have much by way of tact, speaks without thinking first as a matter of course, and is cheerfully willing to impose herself on people without asking if they're okay with that first. She doesn't like to focus on the negative side of things, and prefers to try to distract herself from the bad stuff when it comes up. She rarely makes an effort to hide it when she's scared or upset, though, and doesn't have any problem at all with letting people know when she's not pleased with them.

APPEARANCE: Well, for starters it's pretty damn obvious she's a mutant, mostly on account of her rainbow coloured fairy wings and bright pink hair. Her eyes are all pupil, completely black, no iris or white, and her ears are pointy. Obvious external signs of mutation aside, she's small, skinny, light-skinned and freckled. She wears clothes with flowers on. And a cycle helmet. For flying.
(NOTE: this Pixie has had none of the limbo/soul-sword stuff happen to her, so while she has some icons where her hair has black stripes and her wings are grey, those aren't actually what she looks like here. COLOURFUL WINGS. POOFY PINK HAIR. GOT THAT? SPLENDID.)

POWERS: As the sparkly rainbow fairy wings would suggest, Megan can fly. She can also produce sparkly pink dust that causes hallucinations. Sparkly hallucinations. She herself is immune so she has no idea of its effects (and no way of controlling them), but they commonly include unicorns, fairies, brightly coloured fluffy animals, twinkly bubbles, rainbows and glitter.