I had a good day. The field trip was fan-tab-u-lous! hahaha I had a blast. We had a veryyyyy pretty view while eating lunch ;) hahah Thats all I have to say.
Thats all my parents are talking about and its getting me mad! "We're selling your car" "Youre going to get this one" "Youre not goign to have a car for a week" " We dont know if we want to get you this one" [after they told me they were] Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just need a car! lol
I just finished my sonnet. I still need to write a letter. I dont think I'm going to do that. I opt for going to sleep now and just goign in late. Hmm.. that doesnt sound like such a bad idea: I would get an extra hour of sleep. I would get some more time to do this silly assignment and I woulndt have to sit through a borning period. hmmm lol