ARNOFF: How long have you been married? TAUB: Twelve years. ARNOFF: And is she the one? TAUB: We wouldn't still be together if she weren't. I love her as much now as the day--- ARNOFF: No. [TO TAUB'S LOOK] You should love her more. The more you know someone, the more you should love them.
"What would that be like if you said that to a person? If you said that to your partner, 'You know, I used to love you when you...' I think your partner would think, 'Well, that kind of means you don't love me, then. It's not much consolation saying you used to love me when. If you don't love me now, you don't love me.'"
Whistler: There are moments in your life that make you, that set the course of who you're gonna be. Sometimes they're little, subtle moments, sometimes they're not. Bottom line is, even if you see 'em coming, you're not ready for the big moments. No one asks for their life to change, not really. But it does. So what are we, helpless? Puppets? No. The big moments are gonna come. You can't help that. It's what you do after wards that counts. That's when you find out who you are. You'll see what I mean.
"It hurts me knowing what I've done -- and that pain -- that pain is with me all the time. And every day, I think that if I just -- if I just give myself over to the blood, I can make that pain stop. It would be that easy, and every day, I fight that. And I am so terrified that one day, I'm not gonna want to fight that anymore, Elena."
Relationships don't work the way they do on television and in the movies. Will they, won't they, and then they finally do they're happy forever. Gimme a break. Nine out of ten of them end because they weren't right for each other to begin with, and half of the ones who get married get divorced anyway, and I'm telling you right now, through all this stuff I have not become a cynic. I haven't. Yes, I do happen to believe that love is mainly about pushing chocolate covered candies and, y'know, in some cultures, a chicken. You can call me a sucker, I don't care, because I do believe in it. Bottom line is: it's couples who are truly right for each other wade through the same crap as everybody else, but the big difference is they don't let it take them down. One of those two people will stand up and fight for that relationship every time. If it's right, and they're real lucky, one of them will say something.
Comments 28
TAUB: Twelve years.
ARNOFF: And is she the one?
TAUB: We wouldn't still be together if she weren't. I love her as much now as the day---
ARNOFF: No. [TO TAUB'S LOOK] You should love her more. The more you know someone, the more you should love them.
House; Don't Ever Change
Hugh Laurie
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Stefan; the vampire diaries
Dr Cox; scrubs
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