Basic Rules of Mafia.
The Rules of Mafia
1. General Overview
i) Basic Gameplay
ii) Starting the Game
2. Game Roles
i) Standard Ruleset Roles
ii) Extended Ruleset Roles
iii) Special Ruleset Roles
3. Rules
General Overview
i) Basic Gameplay
Mafia is a game of strategy where you have two sides: those that are innocent, and the assassins trying to kill them off.
The game is played in cycles of “day” and “night”. During the “day” all players are active and vote for a player that they think is an assassin. The player who received the most votes by the end of the “day” is executed and their identity is revealed. During the “night” cycle the assassins choose one of the innocent players to kill. In the standard game, each cycle lasts 12 hours.
The game continues until one of follow happens:
1. Only innocents remain. In this case the innocents win the game
2. The number of assassins is equal to the number of innocents. In this case the assassins with the game.
ii) Starting the Game
Prior to the start of the game each player chooses a character to play in mafia. This is usually any fictional character but can often be only those from a specific TV show (check with the sign up post at the start of each mafia).
While roleplay is expected, it is not strictly enforced, and no one will ever call you up on it.
Once all players have signed up with the character they intend to play, each player is randomly assigned a role (see role section for more detail).
Game Roles
Every player in each game of mafia is assigned a specific role. The roles that are in each game vary but there are always innocents and assassins.
i) Standard Ruleset Roles
The most basic version of the game is termed the standard ruleset. In this game there are a total of four roles; Innocent, Assassin, Healer and Seer.
The Innocent role is the most basic, and is usually not considered a role at all. The innocents are only active during the “day” cycle and have no special abilities.
The Assassin role is the most basic evil role. During each “night” cycle the assassins have access to an assassin-only chat where they decide on which innocent they want to kill. During the “day” cycle they pretend to be innocent.
The Healer role is a special innocent role. During each “night” cycle they have the ability to save a player from assassination. They may not save themselves for more than one night in a row.
The Seer role is a special innocent role. During each “night” cycle they have the ability to determine if 1 player is an innocent or assassin.
ii) Extended Ruleset Roles
The extended version of the game is currently the most popular version of the game played on landcomms. There are additional roles; Mason, Godfather, Vigilante on top of the standard Innocent, Assassin, Healer and Seer.
The Masons are a group of innocents who know each other’s identity and have access to a mason-only chat during the “night” cycle.
The Godfather is an assassin who appears to the seer as an innocent when the seer asks about them.
The Vigilante is an innocent with a special night time ability. During the “night” cycle the Vigilante can choose to kill a player. They may only do this 3 times during the entire game.
iii) Special Ruleset Roles
The special version of the game is totally variable and often roles are made up for that particular game.
1. Only talk about mafia in the day or night posts or in the designated role chat rooms. This means do not talk about the game in ANY way to anyone in any LJ post, IM, twitter, real life, etc.
2. When you die, if you were innocent you may stay on as a ghost for two full game turns before you may no longer talk. If you were an assassin you may still chat in the assassin chat after your death but you may no longer speak anywhere else.
3. Do not bring any bias from a previous mafia into a new game. This includes voting for someone for being an assassin last game or because you think they are always evil. This does NOT include taking in to account a players skill level from previous games (ie. this is allowed).
4. Anyone with a specialised chatroom may ONLY access it during the night cycle. This includes an honour system with the spreadsheet - do not be chatting elsewhere/making game-changing notes.
Rules edited from rules written by