(no subject)

Feb 28, 2014 16:42

Dear Rarewomen writer:

This is mostly cut and paste from my signup, I admit. I'm sorry about that.


Things I like: I love gen. I love adventures. I love comedy, but I also love angst. I adore what-if AUs, and go nuts over well-thought-out crossovers. I like romance, too. I'm really pretty easy going :)

Things I'm not into: I'm pretty vanilla and not too much into porn. I can do a whole bunch of different pairings, but I'm really in this challenge for stories, preferably not overly sexual. (Do not object to a fade to black at all though, if you choose to go a shippy way.) I'm not into alternate setting AUs, like Victorian AUs or high school AUs. And I can't think of much else. :)


Battlestar Galactica:

Dee is my all time favorite, but Cally and Racetrack come close as well. Ideally, I'd love something with all three of them, especially since you've got a pilot, a bridge bunny, and a knuckledragger there. Or I'd REALLY love an AU. A few prompt ideas (although I am totally open to anything else):

-Dee or Racetrack is on Caprica instead of Helo
-Racetrack or Dee find Cally in the airlock instead of Tory (or Tory just doesn't kill her)
-Dee or Cally is a Cylon
-Admiral Dee
-Felix commits suicide and Dee leads the mutiny
-Hoshi commits suicide and Felix still mutinies, but does not give Dee the option to join
-Anything exploring Dee's time on the Pegasus (not AU, but so underused)
-ANYTHING on New Caprica, be it canon compliant with how Cally deals with the Cylons and/or humans, or an AU where Racetrack and/or Dee are there
-Any or all of the three survive to Earth and what life is like there

As far as ships go, I'm perfectly happy with gen. I don't mind Dee/Lee at all (I am not a Kara/Lee shipper, but I do love Kara), I randomly ship Dee/Narcho, and I love Dee/Billy, and I can read Dee with most anyone around her age. Pretty much the only plausible ship for Dee that I'm not fond of is Dee/Gaeta, because Gaeta/Hoshi is my OTP :) I'm fine with Racetrack with anyone, and Cally with anyone not Cylon (except Galen) and not Pegasus. Or alone is great, too.

One final BSG note: there are all of two characters that I don't like, and that's Gage and Vireem. Everyone else is interesting to me :)

Hunger Games:

I picked the Victors: Cecelia, Mags, Seeder, and Wiress. I think the whole Victor issue is fascinating, because I don't think any of these women are glorying in what they had to do in order to survive the Games. But they DID survive, somehow. A few prompt ideas:

-Of course, any of their games is always a good starting point. I'd love to see how the Games can be different for someone that's not Katniss.
-I'd love to see an exploration of what it means to be a Victor in a different games from a different District. How the district reacts, how it is the be a victor with or without someone who understands, how that affected their choices in terms of having kids or whatever (I bring up the kids because of Cecelia, and the statement Katniss makes about children of Victors having been in the Arena before.)
-Or any interaction among these four as mentors. Sort of like a girls' club but how they have to go up against each other as well.
-I'd love to see something focusing on Seeder and Rue, and Seeder mentoring Rue, and her thoughts.
-I'd also love to see something with Wiress as a mentor, give that it seems like she's got some major PTSD stuff going on.
-This is sort of one that's tossed around in my head a lot, but one thing we've never seen is rape as an issue inside the Arena. I've seen a few explanations for why not, but I'd also be interested in seeing something where it does happen. Maybe the girl of choice doesn't even know if the Gamemakers elected to show it, but how she responds and how that changes the playing of her Games.

Shipwise, there isn't much to ship, but I'm happy with pretty much anything. I do quite like Beetee/Wiress, especially after seeing the movie, although not in a TRUE LOVE FOREVER sort of way- more as a comrades in arms/comfort sort of way. Forced prostitution is not triggering to me, so anything dealing with that sort of subject is good, too.


I have to be honest, Fringe is one of those canons I watched and enjoyed, and then let it go shortly there after. So I can't remember how the plotlines all intersected. I'd be more interested here in a self-contained story. Maye a monster of the week sort of story starring Astrid? That would be fantastic. I also always loved the relationship between Astrid and Alt!Astrid, and would love to see more of that.

If you're more of a Nina writer, I find her control combined with her compassion very interesting. I would LOVE a story in the timeline where she raised Olivia- I thought that was so underexplored, and I really would have loved to see more of that dynamic. Or how Nina got to where she was, or anything along those lines. I'm sorry my prompts here aren't as specific as for the other fandoms!

I hope this helps, and I look forward to seeing what you come up with! Thanks for writing for me, and I hope it's a fun exchange for you!
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