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Mar 03, 2014 09:27

bsg_remix is open for signups! We're doing the modified duello format this year, which will hopefully be interesting. The hard part is picking stories! I picked out three, but I'm not sure they'll stay the three I picked. Right now I've got Honor and Duty, I'm No Superman, and About Time. Honor and Duty is a Sweet!Eight/Four story that I know several people have considered remixing when they got me, especially since it's an unusual relationship and the story is entirely from Sweet!Eight's point of view. I'm No Superman is the one I'm torn on- I wrote it for lgbt_fest or queer_fest or whatever it's called these days, so it really focuses on sexuality acceptance, which isn't supposed to be a big thing in the BSG universe. As a result, it focuses a lot on some original characters. I know what I would do to remix it, but I wonder how other people would like that one. About Time is a Gaeta/Hoshi story that I half like and half hate. (I like the parts that aren't sex and am really not fond of the sex, which totally feels tacked on.) But again, it's a strongly one-POV story, with a lot of hints about what's going on in Hoshi's head but nothing fleshed out.

The big problem I'm seeing with those three stories is the most obvious way to remix them is to take the POV of a character who is an OC or is as good as. (Because let's face it- Hoshi has very little characterization to work with.) But the Four in Honor and Duty and the boys in I'm No Superman are OCs. I was debating what else to submit, though. I'd thought about the Kendra/Hoshi thing, I Know St. Peter Won't Call My Name, but it has the same problem. There are also a few little bits and pieces, like a shipwars ficlet I did where Louis was on Raptor 718 with Felix, and a couple other shorter ones. I'd dearly love to be able to submit something crossover (ask me how much I'd love an expanded fic of Felix and Louis teaching at Dalton, or a remix of one of my BSG/Firefly fics), but that sadly must be against the rules. I'll probably change my mind a million times before the signup period is over, but such is life. (And now I'm stuck reading my Felix/Lee fic again.)

Also, twelvecolonies is open for business again! Come on over and play- preferably for team Colonial One- and tell them I sent you :)

We watched the Oscars last night, but I just couldn't get super into it. Probably because, as one of my friends said, it's a sign you're a parent when you've seen all the nominees for the animated feature and none of the Best Picture ones. Which is true. I want to see some of them, especially 12 Years a Slave, but we just haven't had a chance to rent that yet. I didn't really want to see Gravity- I can already probably tell you my opinion of it (great movie but not necessarily one I'd enjoy). And I'm getting less and less tolerant of the Academy's love for dramas and dramas only. But for me the most important awards were the Frozen awards, mainly because of the meme that Elsa won't unthaw the US until she gets her Oscar. Well, she got her Oscars, and instead of getting 8-12 inches last night we got nothing, so YAY FROZEN GETTING OSCARS! Plus I see some 40s coming up in my weather forecasts. WHOOHOO! Kids still have a two hour delay, but Toby goes to school soon enough. Phew, because they've already gotten in trouble once today. Ugh.

Hope everyone is having a good Monday!
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