Geez, these fall scents are killing me here! So much for my decanting hiatus...
11/04 update: Belatedly confirming ship dates. I sent out roughly half the orders on 10/30, and the rest went out on 11/01. As far as I can tell, I never received payments from Jovi or asheleyweeks, so those have not been sent.
10/28 update: These are shipping ASAP. Apologies for not being able to get these to y'all in time for Halloween :( These are up on the Possets site until the end of November, so you should have time to test though!
10/20 update: I received these 2 days ago and finished making all the labels today. Decanting commences tomorrow!
10/13 update: Everything is final now. I am ordering this today! There is still room in:
Crocopardapottamus (Ammit)
Duat (The Underworld)
Embalming Unguent (100% Natural)
Heka (Magic)
Ka- The Soul
Spell 125
The Asp
The Feather of Maat
The Female Souls of the Night
The Field of Reeds
The Great Embracer
The Mistress of Trembling
Autumnal Equinox
Feral 2012
Ghost Fart
Pumpkin on Wall Street
Pumpkin Pepys
The Girls Love Ginger
Half decants are only available in sets for The Book of the Dead. You can get individual halves of the general Halloweens though. I'm also requesting a minimum of 4 decants per order. Both of these decisions are due to my wanting to be able to get you your goodies as quickly as possible.
Scents will be italicized when they become definite.
If you don't have an LJ account, you're always welcome to sign up for my circles by e-mailing me at damon at panavatar dot net.
I am happy to combine shipping with
my sale/swap and any other decant circles I happen to run between now and when these goodies arrive.
I've decided to move my policies, shipping/feedback/payment info etc.
to their own page. If you're new to my circles and/or have any questions, I strongly urge you to read through it before signing up!
Full decants are $2.50 each. (Embalming Unguent is $4.)
Half decants of the Halloweens are $1.75.
Half bottles are $5.75.
Book of the Dead sets:
Complete set of all 25 halves: $44
Complete set of all 25 fulls: $62
Book of the Dead
1. miss_isis_uk
2. uschiswirl
3. tailoredshirt
4. go_on_then
A brass amulet with the magical scent of a very woody vanilla in the background. Resinous, vanilla.
1. omnia_mutantur
2. asheleyweeks
3. wendyb1063
4. Natasja
Thick dark coffee touches a small part of the blend, aged rich patchouli, lashing of fig syrup (not the kind that you eat), a lovely incense. Resinous, oriental, dark.
1. white_aster
2. asheleyweeks
3. apathygirl30
Apep- The Snake God
Elegant and dark clove and thick patchouli are wound around a core of a home made chypre which is wonderful dry and dusty. Oriental, dark, resin.
1. white_aster
2. omnia_mutantur
3. wendyb1063
4. sakai_yukari
5. amberosmanthus
Almond and Anatolean honey, cinnamon, orange flower and the rich earthiness of henna. Very seductive and sets the perfect pitch. Perfumy, earthy floral.
1. avidbeader
2. omnia_mutantur
3. yggdrasill
4. wendyb1063
5. sakai_yukari
6. Natasja
7. jovi
(10mL ordered)
Crocopardapottamus (Ammit)
Quirky dark syrup of milo is rubbed with a small amount of lime and a grain of incense. Really intriguing. Foody.
1. omnia_mutantur
Duat (The Underworld)
Thick blackest vanilla combines with the scent of earth (not the loamy sort but more flinty), a bit papery, the last bits of light and incense. Rather thrilling. Oriental, resin, incense.
1. omnia_mutantur
2. yggdrasill
3. asheleyweeks
4. wendyb1063
5. jubilee88
6. Natasja
7. apathygirl30
(10mL ordered)
Embalming Unguent (100% Natural)
Cassia, cedar oil, myrrh, and palm oil. Woody but high keyed very herbal, but there is something thick, brown and lingering about it which makes it the perfect sort of autumn to winter blend.
1. omnia_mutantur
2. sakai_yukari
Heka (Magic)
This perfume starts out with a gourd accord (!) and slides into a fine brew of lavender, oakmoss, and thyme which are twined around a resinous ambery heart. Magical and unexpected.
1. sakai_yukari
2. Natasja
3. jovi
Ka- The Soul
Light suede, Red Egyptian Musk, two types of incense and a bit of celery (!) for tang. A light light kiss of lemon zest and one last complimentary drop of white musk.
1. sakai_yukari
2. Natasja
Wormwood and sandalwood, a bright pinch of lemon zest, a coat of sage, salt of lavender completes the picture and the whole blend is strong but subtle, heady, and sexy as hell.
1. sakai_yukari
2. Natasja
Lord of the Dead, the darkness of pepper as a top note, the scent of electricity, a new sweet black musk, with myrrh and vanilla.
1. white_aster
2. omnia_mutantur
3. sakai_yukari
4. Natasja
A papery but leathery blend like a palimpsest...warm and comforting but not of the human variety of comfort.
1. omnia_mutantur
2. apathygirl30
Re- God of the Sun
Marigolds, thick golden amber, finally a pollen like sunflower/zinnia-ish essence rounds out this paeon to our bright star, and a goodly jolt of excellent sharp Egyptian musk.
1. avidbeader
2. white_aster
3. yggdrasill
4. wendyb1063
She Who Presides Over Gardens
A dark green aroma. Chlorophyll, an accord which smells a lot like a hot house, distant flowers, a brush of earth and the trance of humidity. An earthy smell in a very green way.
1. wendyb1063
2. sakai_yukari
3. Natasja
4. apathygirl30
Spell 125
Heavy incense belching from the pleading pots surrounding the scene, a great river of black musk and the lighter but top note dank smell of a well used dim place.
1. white_aster
2. wendyb1063
The 7 Gates of the House of Osiris
A beautiful amber infused blend with a good spell of labdenum, a subtle incense, and a caramel-like resinous amber which is unlike any that I have ever used before.
1. white_aster
2. wendyb1063
3. jubilee88
4. Natasja
5. amberosmanthus
The Asp
The amazing fragrance of gardenia with a particularly earthy vetivert and patchouli, and naturally fig.
1. Natasja
The Feather of Maat
A dark crystal musk (!) oozes up against a more golden musk, white amber, and a kiss of the volatile part of apple peel.
1. 7indigo
2. omnia_mutantur
3. wendyb1063
The Female Souls of the Night
This is all soft edged, animalic muskiness, civety veils, floral hallucinations of jasmine, and wet longing night. VERY sexual.
1. wendyb1063
2. Natasja
3. amberosmanthus
The Field of Reeds
Sweet sandalwood and two ambers, a touch of wood for reeds, and a kiss of golden musk, black pepper married with a drop of labdanum
1. white_aster
2. wendyb1063
3. Natasja
The Great Embracer
A Possets floral with unexpected combinations of a very crystaline musk like passiflora, passion fruit, pink champagne, and black peppercorns with a whiff of vanilla musk.
1. 7indigo
2. avidbeader
3. apathygirl30
The Mistress of Heat
Pink pepper, lashings of oud wood and dark thick sticky vetiver.
1. omnia_mutantur
2. sakai_yukari
3. 7indigo
4. Natasja
The Mistress of Power
Black, grey, and golden musks, aged thick dark brown patchouli, backdrop of a non foody and more brandy-like chocolate liquor, a small amount of clove, an ambergris-like musk.
1. omnia_mutantur
2. wendyb1063
3. amberosmanthus
4. apathygirl30
5. jovi
The Mistress of Trembling
Licorice, anise, the kiss of black oude--things of the darkness which evoke an idea of fear unto death.
1. wendyb1063
2. jovi
Thoth- The Scribe God
Barded over with darkest fig and fig paste with a light soupcon of nutmeg and a coat of tarry burnt sugar. Very nice, just slightly foody but very very rich and sumputously sexy.
1. omnia_mutantur
2. wendyb1063
3. jubilee88
4. Natasja
Autumnal Equinox
Like the purest day of a summer's end, the most perfect part of the year. Foody/gourmand/floral.
full. yggdrasill
half. uschiswirl
half. wendyb1063
half. jubilee88
half. apathygirl30
Feral 2012
Musks, crystaline and Africa, combine with a very unshy dose of copal, and a strong blanket of pumpkin candy-like essence tops it off.
half. miss_isis_uk
half. uschiswirl
half. go_on_then
half. wendyb1063
half. jubilee88
half. apathygirl30
Frankincense in three forms is the beginning of this blend, VERY strong belt of Frankincense indeed! Oude, thick green musk, a grand spice melange, and a hint of sandalwood.
full. white_aster
full. sakai_yukari
half. miss_isis_uk
half. uschiswirl
half. go_on_then
half. wendyb1063
Ghost Fart
Ethereal, very unusual, and about as easy to explain as spiritual flatulence. Actually, it's real nice stuff and you really should try it, but don't try to explain it. Foody gourmand.
[half bottle]. 7indigo
full, full. yggdrasill
half. apathygirl30
Incensy, spicy, and manages to capture the width of a dimming blue October sky. Resinous, gourmand.
[half bottle]. jovi
Infernal Bar-B-Que Sauce
It smells just like hellishly good bar-b-que sauce to me, something to sink your teeth into. Mmmm, ribs! Succulent, spicy (lil bit), sweet, and gooey good.
Pumpkin on Wall Street
A dried and more grown up pumpkin, the pumpkin here is evident but hiding under a chypre-like potion which is quite hypnotic. Light patchouli keeps the blend going beautifully.
half. miss_isis_uk
half. uschiswirl
half. tailoredshirt
half. go_on_then
half. wendyb1063
half. Natasja
half. apathygirl30
Pumpkin Pepys
All of the pungent wit of pumpkin combined with the keen gourmandy goodness of huge fuffy marshmallows, vanilla, and just plain old forbidden stickiness.
full. avidbeader
full. wendyb1063
full. uschiswirl
half. go_on_then
The Girls Love Ginger
Honey and ginger, but not one ginger but two, and a drop of myrtle. A lovely but zesty thing. There is a small hint of sweetwood in it too, to keep it all from being overly abrasive.
full. uschiswirl
full. go_on_then
full. jubilee88
Add-Ons from Possets
Extras from Me
jubilee88: 2 x 5ml plastic rollerballs
amberosmanthus: Bottles of Silver Lavender, Betsy, Samarkand, Bad Catholics, Cream; poppet of Gypsy Grave; decant of High Born Damsel
Postal Extras:
white_aster: combined shipping with Conjures