Fandom life & Dresden

Aug 08, 2007 00:01

Two posts in a day has got to be some kind of record. Hell, two posts in a month would, for me, be a record. Cut for space and tl;dr:

On Fandom...

Various online interactions in the past weeks have compelled me to pay slightly more attention to my main (if detached - virtual - it counts) form of socialisation. I am aware that online people can be something other than their 'real' selves. I am also perfectly aware that I use LJ and other sites with precisely this fact in mind.

I do not intend to deceive, but I know I am far more vocal and, shall we say, enthusiastic about certain things online than I am in that strange land known as Real Life. It is not pretence so much as it is simply a...form of reality. Fandom in particular is, for me, perfect escapism. Now, that's not to cheapen the fandom community, far from it. I believe that everyone, without exception, needs a certain level of escapism. They find it in a place, a community, an activity which enables them to experience things they would have the chance to in their everyday lives. Taken to the extreme this concept could naturally cover any number of unpleasant past-times, but in theory it provides some respite for those who need it. Not everyone lives 'satisfying' lives, not everyone is capable or willing to socialise down the pub, in nightclubs or whathaveyou. Subcultures have their...uses, just like anything else.

Speaking of socialising in nightclubs, I'm going out tomorrow night. A friend of mine is coming into Reading and we're....going 'clubbing' as she puts. Fact of the matter is I've been to one of Reading's clubs, a point which might seem laughable. Reading is a large place and has plenty of bars and the like, and I am over eighteen. Take any number of Reading's twenty-something females and I'd wager I'd be in a minority when it comes to this sort of thing. And no, that is not a point I am proud of. I am up at midnight typing inanely on my blog. Go figure. I am nervous but rather excited by the prospect. Doubtless this excitement will turn into abject horror when I get into town tomorrow night and realise just what my friend and I have let ourselves in for.

Butcher and SciFi

It is official. The TV show of The Dresden Files has been cancelled. Now, I wasn't exactly surprised by the news. As far as I had seen the show had not gained brilliant critical reception, though it did have ratings close to those of Battlestar Galactica (and a note to the UK terrestrial people - someone missed a trick by not licensing this!).

However as a fan who genuinely enjoyed the show for what it was, I was naturally very disappointed that we didn't get a second season. Now, I could go on about what I found to be the positive and negative aspects of the adaptation of Butcher's book series, but I'll leave that for another time.

What I will say now is that I am very pleased that Jim Butcher himself addressed the fandom on his site's forum. He pretty much confirmed what SciFi could not be bothered to - that the show had indeed been cancelled. As I pointed out on Dresden City, this definitely raised my opinion of the man. Whereas before I would have merely thrown in my fannish lot with those who 'respect' the author for creating a series I enjoy, to have the man step up and speak out to his fanbase was a fine thing to read. Not enough writers/authors/etc pay this kind of attention to their fans and I was delighted that Butcher saw fit to afford the TV-verse side of the TDF fandom the respect it deserves.

And whatever one might think of the show they, those fans seriously campaigning for renewal do deserve respect. These are fans of all ages and genders who have spent time energy and money in supporting a series they like with, for the most part, passion and consideration. Many would claim this is 'pointless', that it is not 'important' in their everyday lives, but it shows dedication and that is more than worthy of note. This is fandom, and it is not to be taken lightly.

Campaign for renewal of The Dresden Files - Dresden City

Unanswered Questions in the TV series

On the subject of The Dresden Files, the conclusion of the series left many plot-lines unresolved and potential ideas unfulfilled. Here's a little list:

1. The High Council - What does it actually do? We know it is not a fan of wizards like Harry, but other than that prejudice it would have been good to have a more concrete idea of how the Council influences the magical community. Considering the positions of young wizards like Scott Sharp and Dante, I also wonder what kind of education a child gets once they develop magical ability and the Council's attention is drawn to them.

2. The Morningways - We know this family is bad news. Harry's position with regard to the Council is partly down to his lineage; from a powerful but apparently disruptive family. What, then, had the Morningways done to earn such a reputation. We know Justin was plotting a massacre, but what of Harry's mother who held what her brother called "dangerous ideas". Speaking of dangerous ideas....

3. Bob - Medieval sorcerer held in some notoriety by everyone who isn't Harry Dresden. I am convinced that there is some truth behind the hints we get in the series that, when mortal, Bob was anything but the man he appears to be in canon. I am equally sure that he cares very much for Harry, but that Harry is pretty much the only person Bob cares about (not as callous as it might sound, remember that Harry is the only person Bob really interacts with). I would have liked to see something more about Bob's past. My money's on him having been too smart and powerful for his own good. Or anyone else's good, for that matter.

fandom, the dresden files

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