Lunch at Tiffany's

Jul 24, 2006 15:20

I finally went to Oakbrook Mall; been wanting to since college. Anyway, there's a Tiffany's there. le sigh. I looked around at all the beautiful pieces... Tiffany's ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

starrbellie July 24 2006, 22:26:15 UTC
you should move to SD, obviously!


starrbellie July 24 2006, 22:29:00 UTC
PS: I really want the pearl bracelet and matching bracelet with the X clasp, name bracelet, butterfly necklace, and matching hearts accessories to my sweet sixteen eliza peretti necklace. In case you were wondering... That and the tiffany set solitaire if anyone ever hopes to become engaged to me...or the platinum tiffany band...if he's poor but wishes to convince me he's worth it...


lmhserenity July 25 2006, 14:11:04 UTC
yeah... okay, thanks for the list, but I can't afford any of that for you at this time. raincheck?
you are so cute and i love you. you and i totally deserve tiffany's jewelry from men who love us. now how do we find these men...


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