Leverage: The Movie (scene, storyboards and location/prop-notes)

Sep 14, 2013 16:15

For Leverageland:

Route 1, The Closing Scene


Eliot runs forwards towards Baby lying on the warehouse floor, swaddled in blankets. Nate and Sophie are not far behind, but out of the shadows steps a figure with a gun.

Eliot, no!

A gunshot, Eliot has reached Baby and all eyes are on where he is curled protectively around her, hunched on his knees. Sophie screams as there is another gunshot and Nate holds her back in case of further shots, not taking his eyes off Eliot and his daughter.

Police! Nobody move!

FBI! We have you surrounded!

Alec leads the Police in from one side of the warehouse, Parker leads the FBI in from another. There is a brief faceoff, but Alec and Parker are already headed towards Eliot. The shooter steps back into the shadows and the officers and agents surge forwards as one.

Do we need an ambulance in here?

Nate and Sophie cross to where Alec and Parker are framing Eliot, who is unfolding from his crouch, Baby in his arms and both her hands tangled in his hair. She starts to cry at the movement.

Nah, I think she's alright.

He groans as Nate eases her hands from his hair and she is handed to Sophie. Her parents surround her and her cries calm. Alec and Parker pull Eliot to one side to investigate a bullet wound in his shoulder.

Nate? Can we close this up?

Nate cups his daughter's cheek and then turns to the others, letting out a slow visible breath. He nods a grateful exchange with Bonnano, and then another with Agent Taggert. Agent McSweeten gazes at Parker, not noting the exchange, or Alec's glare.

Yeah, let's go home.

*crows* How's that for some Leverage?

Alec and Eliot exchange pained glances.

Parker, we decided against the catchphrase, remember? That was Nate's thing.

I don't know, I think it's good. It's a strong way to close a con.

Don't... Don't encourage her.

Have you considered - 'leverage provided'.

They turn in unison, all heading for the main warehouse door, leaving the warehouse bustling with Police and FBI, crossing the camera's line-of-sight.

Don't encourage her, man.

Actually... I kinda like that.

Damnit, Hardison.

The team disappear from shot.

Leverage... provided.

The End

Route 2, The Storyboard

(Click for full size)

Panel Notes:
1 Leverage Office Interior, (Location note, Set dressing) Old Nate watches over PARKER, ALEC and ELIOT as they sit around a desk.
2 Pan 180 degrees to find NATE and SOPHIE sitting in the client's chairs - the job details filling the screen and a photograph of BABY on a laptop/tablet between them.
3 *SWISH* slide to an exernal on a run-down building in rural environment, (Location Note)
4 *ZOOM* in through a broken window to a back-of-head shot, watching a screen where the previous office scene is displayed
5 Motion-turn 180 degrees to find MOREAU, surrounded by non-aligned military (Props/costume notes)
6 GOON enters with BABY
7 ALL exit, driving away in Jeep (Prop note)
8 *ZOOM* out from location to reveal dense jungle, obviously not US (Location Note)

fandom: leverage, leverageland

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