Hmmmm, interesting. Not trying to be the negitive one here but were you one of these girls before? I mean I can sorta see you being one in a way, but I could never see you being an "Emo". You just seem to know a lot about the "Emo" culture. By the way, would you consider weezer emo? I mean its be debated through out weezer fans all over but I think weezer is a alternitive rock band with emo lyrics. They don't sound emo but they are, I guess.
no its something of Rites of Spring, Heroine, and Indian Summer. What you are naming is a bastardization (new word) of the scene, and people acting of being "In the scene" but they are purely acting. They will be out of the scene when its not cool to be in it anymore. I don't credit myself to have anyhting but an understanding of this.
Comments 16
1. Taking Back Sunday
2. Senses Fail
3. Thrice
4. Hawthorne Heights
5. Story of the Year
6. Weezer
Yours truly,
Melanie Lehman, if you please
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