I'm extremely behind on LJ posting. I'm hoping to get back into the habit. By the way, if you're on myspace, add me. There are a lot of reasons to be annoyed with myspace, but it's fun to see all the people!
Boston Marathon is the marathon to do. If you ever get a chance, DO IT! It starts in the middle of Massachusetts, then heads east into Boston by the ocean. The entire route is lined with spectators, who often have the Monday off for Patriots Day. And it starts at noon instead of some early hour when normal people sleep.
This year at Boston I didn't drink as hard-core as I did last time, when I was puking the night before. Marathoners are freaks. As if running a marathon weren't hard enough, I was in a race where a guy ran it backwards (as in he's facing backwards, but doing the same direction as the rest of us) and a woman was 8 1/2 months pregnant.
This race I got whupped by two "jogglers" - guys running while juggling. They were with me for the first half, but then they sped up and I slowed down. One of them went sub-3:00! When they messed up, they had to go back to where they messed up and even added a few feet of penalty. It sounds like they are show-offs, but they seemed nice, and they were doing it for charity.
About half-way through is Wellesley college, an all-womens college. They form the "Scream Tunnel". Imagine going through a gauntlet of hot, screaming coeds! Definitely a highlight of the run. A woman running near me complained that the college seemed to lack men, and I had to explain the situation. Considering the pack is over 90% male, and they are wearing less than the spectators, she doesn't have too much to complain about.
Not too long after that, I died. My legs just gave out. It was only about 15 miles in. About two weeks before, I played a game of soccer and literally had a hard time walking for the next couple of days. I don't think my legs ever recovered. That's two bad Bostons in a row - meaning I'll need a third time to redeem myself.
After a little over 20 miles in, I stopped to stretch out my aching legs. A guy offered me some water. I slammed it down, hoping it would diffuse my cramps. But it was alcohol! He never 'fessed up to it, though.
I finally finished in 3:45, walking much of the last few miles. At least it was a better performance than last year.
At the finish, I once again forgot to pick up my medal. I didn't deserve one for this performance. (Don't get me wrong, I'm not bitter - I had a lot of fun - but this wasn't a time I could be proud of.) While in the finish area, I suddenly notice another finisher fall straight back with a rigid body, like a stick falling down from an upright position. It took me a small instant to realize he had passed out, and I tried to stop him from falling. My reaction was slow, but I slowed down his impact, and most importantly kept his head from hitting the pavement. We called the paramedics and they hauled him off, but he was semi-conscious. I'm sure he would be fine.
And now, let's get ready for Twin Cities Marathon! Ghoti and oakhillflyer will come to kick my ass, but it'll be nice to see them :). I'm not in my best shape, and I wish I were ten pounds lighter, but I still should be able to pull off a Boston qualifier (7:15 pace). The course is fairly flat, and I am very familiar with the whole course.