The very finest in all-American interior design. There's absolutely nothing depressing to see here. Nope, you surely wouldn't want to slit your wrists after 5 minutes of sitting under that giant faux Asian fan in the living room.
Oh God, that's a great site! Thanks for the link. I also enjoy (terrible condo exteriors) and, the nichiest of niche decor sites,, which looks at photos of amateur gay male porn (mostly naked dudes holding their junk) and critiques the terrifying decor of the backgrounds. It's a hoot, and profoundly depressing as well.
Ha ha, that's a good question! Maybe it's to keep homeless people from sleeping on them, like those stingy-ass bus benches? There's not much in these photos that makes sense. Why is there a sombrero featured prominently on the kitchen wall? What's with that crappy fan? How do you even find the furniture to sit on since it seems to be camouflaged by all the clashing decorations like a herd of zebras?
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