NOTE: This material only exists, ICly, in The Lobster's mind. They are reproduced here for my reference and others' OOC entertainment.
* Has somehow arranged to make her communicator untraceable by the police.
* I must have missed her arrival.
* Is from the "Ultimates" universe.
* Says that in her universe, "Nick Fury" is black, resembling "Samuel L. Jackson," while in the "Avengers" universe, he's white.
* Also, that the Avengers' version of her is white, while she herself resembles "Lucy Liu."
* Is a scientist, specializing in molecular biology.
hulkkeysmash has offered to share some of his lab space with her.
* Is married to "Hank Pym," but would have been filing for divorce soon if she hadn't been brought here.
* The Avengers' version of her is a rich fashion designer, rather than a scientist.
iron_liver * Took over as Director of SHIELD after Nick Fury made some decision that got him ousted.