Movie Reviews

Mar 29, 2007 01:26

Due to my boredom I've decided to list my movie reviews.
[All the titles are linked, so click on them for further information.]
The list will be updated very frequently.

The Dreamers

Director: Bernardo Bertolucci
Rating: NC-17 ; R
Genre: Drama
Length: 115 min [NC-17] ; USA:112 min [R]
Language: English ; French
Color: Color ; Black and White

The first time I had seen this film, I disliked it. I wasn't used to the sexuality that was in this film. But I watched It again and I wasn't shocked by the sexual content and focused on the film itself. I then realized It's beautiful, to experiment and experience different life. The time line was fascinating, the actors were perfect. Eva Green was beautiful and sensual as Isabelle, she had that interesting quality where you wanted to know more about her. Louis Garrel [♥] made a character you loved and you hated. You could tell that he knew he had that power over his sister, And loved it. Michael Pitt he's one of the few American actors I have respect for, he was the perfect choice for Matthew. His face has an angelic quality like no other. But his eyes told a different story, they were beautifully blue and they seemed a little sinister. I wouldn't have changed this movie at all. The story was amazing and unique, and something you've never experienced. There are even silent black and white films infused with the story. It kept you interested as to what was going to happen next, because you knew as much as you wanted them to live this fanciful life, it was eventually going to unravel. Bertolucci knows how to get the best from his actors, they didn't seem uncomfortable at any point. This film is the ONE film that changed my life, it changed the way I thought about the world and every aspect of movie culture.
I highly recommend this film.

Happy Endings

Director: Don Ross
Rating: R
Genre: Drama ; Comedy
Length: 128 min
Language: English
Color: Color

Such a waste. I didn't get this movie at all and it just didn't make sense. It would've been alot better if the story less jumping around. The whole thing irritated me to no end. There were some good points to it, mainly Jesse Bradford, Lisa Kudrow and Tom Arnold. This movie really showed their acting abilities. And I liked the storyline between Lisa and Jesse. Tom's character was a typical rich lad looking for a young lass he can shower with gifts and eventually have his heart broken. There were too many layers to the story to where you just didn't want to watch it anymore. Shockingly I sat through the whole movie. The whole thing just wasn't all there. Then there was Charley and Gil a gay couple who are trying to figure out if their lesbian friends lied about bearing a child with Gil's 'help'.
Charley annoyed me to no end, he was too much. He picked and prodded them. It just wasn't a good storyline. And he sets up Gil for a heartbreak. The whole movie wasn't there, it just wasn't. But I enjoy the black boxes that appeared on screen every so often to tell you more of the story though, creative.
I do NOT recommend this film.

Jeux d'enfants [Love me if you dare]

Director: Yann Samuell
Rating: R ; [In my opinion PG-13]
Genre: Drama ; Romance
Length: 90 min
Language: French
Color: Color

I love love LOVE this film. It's bright and lovely in every sense. Life in that world seems so simple and fun. And yet oh so complicated. The love between Julien and Sophie is apparent right from the beginning. The push and pull of their relationship gets under your skin and pulls you in.. The actors were suburb. You can tell that the two main actors are in real life true friends. Their chemistry just meshes together so well. It's visually stunning as well, it was so vibrant. Yann Samuell's direction was perfect, the parts that were slowed down weren't damaging to the film at all. There wasn't a moment where I was bored. There were parts where I was a bit confused because it's just a part of the film. You want them together so badly. And yet you do realize their game will end. There is absolutely nothing I would change in this movie, except try to make it a bit longer. It's just too sad when It ends. The ending is genius and different, a little tragic but you like it. The fantasy world of Julien and Sophie live on, its sweet and touching.
I highly recommend this film.

Sid & Nancy

Director: Alex Cox
Rating: R
Genre: Biography ; Drama ; Music
Length: 112 min
Language: English
Color: Color

This was stuck on my DVR for the longest time, and I finally got the time to watch it. I'm not sure you'd enjoy it if you didn't know the history of Sid and Nancy and you weren't a fan of the Sex Pistols. Which I wasn't a fan of either, I knew a little bit about Sid Vicious but not to the extent this movie goes into. Chloe Webb was annoying as hell, but it was obviously a trait she carried for the movie. Her husky tone and whiny voice just was too perfect. Even if you didn't know the history, you sort of knew that's how she would've acted. Gary Oldman was perfect as Sid, I knew what he looked like in his lifetime and whoa I really didn't detect Gary Oldman at ALL. He was stick thin and had spikey black hair and just amazing to see him as Sid. The only role I knew him from was Sirius Black from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. And my god it's phenomenal how an actor commits himself/herself to a role, and both actors did completely. The story was hard to follow but it was raw and real. But you knew the ending before it happened. Even if you had no idea who they were, you knew they were definitely going to spiral down hard, quick and tragic. Although the actors did a great job, I don't think the storyline did them justice.
I am neutral on his film.

A Very Long Engagement [Un long dimanche de fiançailles]

Director: Jean-Pierre Jeunet [He is also the director on Amélie ]
Rating: R
Genre: Drama ; Mystery ; Romance ; War
Length: 133 min
Language: French ; German
Color: Color ; Sepia Tones

I bought this movie on a whim a few nights ago. Mainly I wanted to see this because of Gaspard Ulliel. His role wasn't as big as I assumed. But I was pleasantly surprised, it was very different. It took me a while to get completely settled into this movie because I was so shocked by the violence. The violence was more in an artistic route. The storyline was definitely there, It was beautiful. The visuals of the movie were organic and creative, there were a few computer generated scenes but you could hardly detect them. The movie was so well thought out and put together and filmed it just fit so well. Marion Cotillard was also in this film and I was amazed at her performance she was great. In the films I've seen with her in them she can cry so naturally It's unreal. Audrey Tautou was great also and she was just perfect for Mathilde, she had that great hope that you wanted her character to have. All the actors were cast perfectly, it's amazing how you see a film and you are just completely satisfied with all the actors. The ending is beautifully bittersweet, as I imagined the film would end. But you understood that Mathilde was perfectly happy with what she saw and accomplished for her love. Now onto the extras, I suggest you take time out to watch those as well. It's amazing, It dives right into how a film is made, the try-outs, costume design, scouting for a film location. Watching it, it MAKES you want to be a part of films and be apart of how it's all made. And even the soundtrack, which by the was is beautiful. I suggest Mathilde's Theme.
This film I HIGHLY recommend.

[2008 LIST]

The Quiet

Director: Jamie Babbit
Rating: R
Genre: Drama; Thriller
Length: 96 min
Language: English
Color: Color

It was so much better than I expected, when I saw this on TV I didn't think much of it. But within ten minutes I was hooked. There are themes there that I hadn't expected the film to delve into. But it did, and I was amazed at the fact that it had (well) the balls to go there. (And I say do NOT watch if you are easily disturbed or ) Camilla Belle plays Dot, she's a deaf-mute girl and she comes to live with her God Family, her face is gorgeous and haunting she draws you in without saying one word. And throughout the film as she play random pieces of famous piano pieces makes you want to just close your eyes and get lost. Camilla does quite a bit of voice over during the film, and it makes sense once you see it. Many times she talks about the pianists she admires. Elisha Cuthbert's character is Nina, who's a typical teenage girl, who wants to go out with her friends and have fun. She despises Dot and doesn't want anything to do with her. And yet there's an extra secret lying in her own family. Dot figures it out and she just wants to stay invisible. But then Nina figures out Dot's secret and tells her everything she wants to do, including murdering someone. They somehow form a friendship and rely on one another to commit the final act.
I recommend this film.

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